Page 116 of Ninth Circle

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So what? Am I supposed to start feeling bad? “If that’s all you came here for, you can leave.” Wait, what did she mean Alyssa and her husband had sent Mitzie away? “What did your daughter do to my daughter?”

“I just told you. By the way, there are some things I need to tell you now that’s you’re behind bars and can’t harm anyone else. Corbin and I have been together all along. We just kept up the pretense because of your threat against our child.”

“I spent the last decade laughing at you behind your back. You got to do all the cooking and cleaning while I reaped the benefits. Didn’t you ever wonder how he could go that long without sex?” She had the nerve to smirk at me and I hated her more in that moment than ever before. She had to be making it up. There’s no way I wouldn’t have noticed something like that going on right under my nose.

“You bitch, you’re lying. I knew where he was at all times.”

“Yes, you knew he left to go to work each day, but did you know that he had been working from home long before it became a thing? That’s right, for the last five years, since all the kids were out of the house, he has spent every day with me at our home.”

“When Alyssa was still in school here, he used to leave before school let out, but after she left, all those late nights at the office were actually spent with me. I’ve been on almost every work trip he’s taken in the last twelve years as well.”

It can’t be. Then what the hell does that make me? I lived in that house with him all these years where he treated me like a stranger. He started taking more and more out-of-town trips for work to get away from me, but I didn’t mind because his absence freed me up to have my own affairs. “You’re lying; you’re making it all up.”

I fought back tears of anger and hate as my heart sank. No wonder she never made a stink after that first year. They must’ve all been laughing at me. She, Corbin, and their kids. Who else knew? How many people?

“I would’ve heard something if this was true.”

“The reason you heard nothing is because no one likes you. All those times Corbin went to his family’s home and events without you, we were together. They would never tell you because they don’t like you and you never belonged. You were nothing more than the adulterous slut who climbed onto a married man’s bed.”

“Don’t worry, I made him pay as well, but we made up a long time ago. So, you see, you didn’t win anything. And thanks to the prenup you signed, you’ll get nothing in the divorce. Oh, and by the way, some of the wives of the men you cheated with are looking into suing you for alienation of affection.”

“That’s not even a thing.”

“Oh, but it is. So, if you own anything it will most likely go to them if they go through with it. But you don’t own anything, do you? You didn’t come into the marriage with anything, and you’re leaving it with even less. You haven’t worked in how long now?”

“Shut your mouth.” If I could reach through the glass partition, I would’ve strangled her with my bare hands. I refused to let her see that her words were getting to me in any way, but the truth of her words rang true. I have no pension, no savings, nothing. I wasn’t prepared for this.

“Did you do all this? Was it you? The fleas, the arrest, everything?”

“No, that was my daughter. She’s been holding a grudge all these years; we just never noticed how deep it ran until now. She planned everything except for what landed you in here. You did that all on your own.”

“How? She hasn’t been around our house in years, so how did she plan all this?”

“You’d have to ask her, but I’m afraid you won’t get the chance because I don’t think she cares enough to come to see you. She’s too busy with her new life. I just thought I should come to warn you that her husband is very protective of her, so even if a low-class bitch like you found the money to hire someone to harm her, you’d fail.”

“You think you’ve won. You just wait until I get out of here.”

“I knew you were crazy, but I didn’t know you were stupid as well. You’re not getting out of here. Everything you did until now is being talked about all over town. All the money you stole, all the lies you told, it’s all coming out in the wash. And since you once threatened her life, Alyssa’s husband is willing to spend any amount of money to make sure you never see the light of day.”

“You bitch, I’ll never let you have a moment’s peace.”

“My peace doesn’t have anything to do with you. I’ve finally got my whole family back together while you are going to rot in jail. If by some miracle you get out of here, you’ll be an old woman by then. Anyway, that’s all I wanted to say. I have to get back to my life. By the way, I’ll be a better stepmother to your kid than you ever were to mine.”

I hit the phone against the glass and called her back, but she just kept walking. What did she mean by that? Had she turned my daughter against me? And why is Alyssa helping Mitzie after hating her for years? Why would my daughter trust them?

Does that mean that I’m really going to rot away in here? Corbin is going to leave me, and now Mitzie’s gone. Who is there to help me on the outside? I tried calling my Dad when they first brought me here, but he believed I had killed his wife and was being an ass.

My ex wouldn’t spit on me if I was on fire and there were no friends, no one, that was willing to come to my rescue. I felt even worse as I was led back to my cell than I did when I left. How had everything come to this?

What could I have done differently to avoid this outcome? I crawled onto the filthy prison cot and cried mournfully.


I’m not sure how things would’ve gone had I not forced his hand, but in the end, Kevin chose to press charges against his wife. Not that he had a choice once the video went viral. Her family had rushed and had her committed to a mental health clinic, but I wasn’t satisfied with that.

This had started out as me trying to make her miserable for talking shit about me but had turned into something else entirely. I no longer cared about her petty bullshit; I was more interested in protecting that little boy from her and her crazy ass parents.

Kevin had been granted temporary primary custody until the case went to trial, and the way things were looking, according to his lawyers, he stood a very good chance of getting it permanently. Natalie was still yelling to anyone who would listen that I had stolen her life.

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