Page 103 of Ninth Circle

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“Open it.” She fumbled with the clasp and opened the envelope. Pictures came tumbling out, images of her night of debauchery.

“Those will be up all over town by morning. I suggest you get out of town. By the way, I sent Denny’s Mom the proof that you’re not pregnant, so I don’t think that you’re welcome there.” I left the room with her screaming obscenities at me.

If she had any sense of shame, she’d get out of town because I have all intentions of posting those images on every windshield, on every light post, and wherever else I could put them. Honestly, I hadn’t planned on doing shit to her because she wasn’t worth it. But this was too damn much.

She’d proven herself not to be human with this stunt. She had set another woman up to be violated for money like what the actual fuck is going on in her head? I stopped next to Jacks in the corridor. “I want her out of this town, like far away. I don’t care where she goes. Give her fifty dollars and nothing more.”

Harsh, I know, but it’s more than she was willing to do for Mitzie. Now, there’s a trainwreck. I need to go home and unpack everything that I’ve learned. I think marriage has made me soft because I’ve never given really much of a damn about my enemies, and I don’t plan to start now, but that girl is just pitiful.

Actually, it was Jackie’s frantic call that switched something off in me. Apparently, I not only draw the line at abuse against kids, but any form of sexual inappropriateness against drugged or intoxicated women gets a hard no from me as well.

If all that she’d said, and I happen to believe her because of my own experiences in that house, she was a product of her mother’s greed and envious illusions. Her mother had her in some kind of warped competition that she was never going to win because I’m that bitch.

Now I had no one left here to torment, and the shit feels anticlimactic. Denny had suffered that shot that was worse than just your average tetanus shot. From what I heard, it’s painful as hell, and takes days before the pain goes away.

According to how bad it is, he might need to get another one in a few months and maybe more down the line. At least he was alive because I dead ass wanted him to catch rabies for which there is no cure.

Now I need to find out all about Helen and her crime and what was going to happen there. I’ll talk to Garrett about my plan to help Mitzie if she wants it, and then I have to think about Corbin. I’m still pissed at him, but there seems to be a lot I don’t know.

Helen was going to have a hard time getting herself out of this one because it was a deputy who served her the divorce papers, and he was the one who claimed she was the last one seen with the victim, so it was going to be her word against his.

No matter how much it costs, I’m going to pay her a visit. Denny will probably have to leave town since he can’t get a job here, not in his field anyway, and besides corporate jobs in this town, it’s either the sheriff’s department or a fast-food place.

There are other places he can go, of course, but I don’t think hard labor is his cup of tea. “Make sure a set of those pictures ends up in her parent's mailbox.” Knowing them, that would be the final nail in her coffin. They won’t be able to deal with the shame.

Denny, too, is on his last leg with his family. He’s broke, has no job, no prospects, and every woman in town knows he has a minuscule dick. He’s pretty much done. I’m of a mind to let this scandal follow him no matter where he goes. That, along with the fact that he has no dick to speak of, should keep him out of the dating pool.

Garrett came around the corner looking pissed until he saw me, then his features relaxed, and he almost smiled. He walked right to me and wrapped his arms around me before kissing my forehead. “You okay?”

“I’m fine, I wasn’t in any danger.” He turned his attention to Jacks.

“We’ll talk later.” Why did he seem upset with her?

“Yes, sir.”

“Don’t you bully her! She doesn’t work for you anymore, remember?”

“I’m not bullying her; where’d you get that idea?”

“Oh, okay. Let’s go then. See you later, Jacks.”

I let him manhandle me out of the building, taking in a deep breath of evening air to cleanse my palate of the hell that was today.


Those fires just keep coming one after the other. It’s a good thing I have as many people on her as I do, or I wouldn’t be able to keep up. This last one, though, is about to open Pandora’s box. The guys Jackie and the others had brought in are into some dark shit that has to do with the stuff she did with Marcus and his team years ago.

Granted, she had no idea she would run into them here, but it was lucky for us that she did or who knows what might’ve happened to those women. Now, I have to call in Marcus and his team to get that filth out of here and keep Jackie hidden at the same time. If she panics, she’s going to run, and then who knows where she’d end up.

I’m pretty sure she doesn’t think she’s ready, and it’s not for me to say that she is, but dammit, this is going to put me in a bad way. Because, at this point, I’ll have to outright lie to the guy and that will not end well.

I think she knows, too, because her whole reason for being with me is the fact that she wanted to get away from that stuff. I am not equipped to handle that kind of thing, not on this level, and since he was the only one I knew who dealt with this mess, it was obvious that he would be the one I call.

I hope she doesn’t panic until I have a chance to talk to her, but then that leaves Marcus and what the hell I’m going to say to him. If this one didn’t go harassing people, I wouldn’t be in this predicament, but I can’t blame her for bringing about the rescue of those girls and the detainment of those monsters who were about to sell them into a life of hell.

Life is just too fucking complicated. I spoke to my sister about what she saw, and she’s still shaken up, which tells me it was worse than I imagined. I know that the woman I once dated had an ugly side, but to harm her own kid just seems too far out there, even for her.

Now, I was all willing to let Alyssa play out whatever game she was set to play with her. She thinks I don’t know what she’s up to with Natalie. She’s still pissed at what the other woman said about her, but I’m sure she’d be the first to say that shit pales in comparison to a child’s wellbeing.

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