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There was another audible gasp as all the humans in the room stared in horror and surprise at what Solon had done. Brander collapsed on the floor, howling and clutching his bloody groin—his gray trousers were soaked through and there was a puddle of red rapidly spreading across the floor.

“The fuck did he do? Did he just rip Chris’s nutsack off?” one of the human males who had been advancing on Solon demanded.

“Not just that…I also took his shaft.” Solon dropped the bloody mess on the floor for all of them to see and wiped his hand on his shirt.

“Oh my God!” one of the human women gasped and prompted fainted.

“I think I’m going to be sick!” another one gasped and raced for the edge of the crowd with one hand over her mouth.

“Fuck, man—are you crazy or what?” one of the human males asked Solon.

“I am not insane—I took vengeance for my female,” he growled in return. “That male forced himself on her back when you all attended school together.” He jerked his chin contemptuously at Brander, who still lay mewling on the floor. “Now he’ll never force himself on a female again.” He glared at the human males. “Tell me, did any of you hurt my bride, Abbey? Do I need to punish anyone else tonight?”


“No way, man!”

They all backed away, holding up their hands in a “don’t shoot” gesture. Solon let them go. He had punished the one responsible for the attack. Abbey hadn’t mentioned anyone else hurting her while she was in school, so he felt fairly certain he had served justice to the one who needed it.

He just hoped that Abbey would understand what he had done and why he had done it.



“Oh my God, get out of the way—I’m going to be sick!”

Someone rushed into the ladies room and pushed past Maria and Abbey to get to one of the stalls. She began gagging and choking but Abbey could barely pay attention to her—she was still so shaken by the fact that Chris Brander was here at the reunion after all.

“I’m so sorry!” Maria said for the hundredth time, rubbing between her shoulder blades. “So sorry, Abbey! I didn’t know he was going to be here. I swear I heard he was in the UK.”

“It’s all right. It’s not your fault,” Abbey reassured her friend.

On her shoulder, Spex could obviously sense her discomfort because the little Eye-pet was rubbing against her cheek and making his soothing chrrrring sound.

“It’s okay, Spex—I’m all right,” she murmured, reaching up to stroke his furry little body.

“Pretty Abbey is not all right. Spex can feel her sad-mad-scaredness!” he protested.

Just then the woman who had been throwing up came out of the stall.

“Oh my God, Denise—are you okay?” Maria asked her, sounding concerned. “Your eyes are all wild and you’re shaking.”

“Yeah? Well you’d be shaking too if you just saw what I saw,” the woman returned. Abbey vaguely recognized her voice—she must be Denise Fetherfew who had been in her Algebra class. But her identity wasn’t important. Abbey couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad had just happened.

“What did you see?” she asked apprehensively.

“That huge lion guy—that Monstrum. He…he just…” Denise stopped and took some noisy breaths through her mouth—possibly she was trying not to puke again.

“He what? He what?” Abbey demanded.

“He ripped Chris Brander’s nuts off and threw them on the floor!” Denise gulped. “I think he might have ripped off his dick too. Oh, God!”

And then she was banging back into the bathroom stall to be noisily sick once more.

“Oh, no!” Maria’s hand on Abbey’s arm tightened. “Did you tell Solon about what Chris did to you?”

“No—never!” Abbey shook her head, feeling numb. “I mean, I told him I was, uh, attacked in high school but I never said by who.”

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