Page 79 of Seven Ways Back

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We rock side to side as a unit until I feel like I need some space. I break our huddle, and snort laugh when I see both my parents wiping at their faces, Dad with more attitude than anything.

“So what’s going on with Zach? Details,” he grumbles.

“I’m not sure. The last six months have been a rollercoaster of emotions. One day he is fine, and we are doing so well. Then he hears or sees something that he thinks I did, and it sets him off.”

“He doesn’t trust you,” Dad is short and to the point.

“I know! But I don’t know how to make him trust me,” I put my hands up like in a prayer. I proceed to tell them about the whole situation with Bran and how Zach thought there had been anything more between us.

“What made you pack up and leave?” I feel like I am being cross examined now.

“I saw him with a woman…”

“Did you ask him about it?” I grind my teeth at the way Dad is questioning me.

“He didn’t come home for me to ask him about it.”

“Was he at work?”

“I don’t know, Dad.” I raise my voice when I say that. A glance at my mom’s face shows that she is getting slightly panicked by the course of our conversation.

“Well,” he sighs and leans back in his chair. “I follow the stock market and all that,” I nod at his explanation that doesn’t have anything to do with what my problem is. “And there has been some problem with some microchips imported from Japan. Zach’s company has been all over the news for the last few days. I don’t know how, but they managed to pull it off and get what they needed. I can only assume he worked at it with no breaks in between. When I am in a tough situation like that, I do work a lot of hours, Slayer.”

“He does,” Mom rushes to confirm for him.

My mind is a tornado of emotions right now. Is that what happened? And how in the world did I not hear about any of this? I am a horrible wife, I gasp, my hand flying to my mouth.

Then I remember watching him in that diner, with freakin’ Sasha, flight attendant extraordinaire, plastered to his side.

I am just about to mention that when the doorbell rings. My mom rushes to answer while I am left staring at my dad. He is a great poker player, never blinks.

We hear some commotion from the door, so his eyes finally travel that way.

“Baby sis,” I hear Ridge’s voice booming through the house. “I didn’t know you’d be home.”

I grin when I see Levi wobbling along, hanging onto Brooke’s hand as they walk toward us.

“Levi,” I gasp in surprise. “You’re walking now! You’re a big boy!”

“Hana,” he mumbles in his baby voice, showing the couple of teeth he’s rocking nowadays. Also, this is his version of Hunter, and I love it so much.

The doorbell rings again, and Mom runs back to the door. I pick Levi up and pepper kisses all over his little face, loving the giggles he lets out as he’s moving his head to avoid me.

“Full house I see,” Marco’s voice comes from behind me.

“Oh my gosh, what are you doing here?” I turn around and eye him over Levi’s head who is trying to worm his way out of my arms.

“Down, Hana, down, pease,” he asks all politely.

“Hi, Lexi,” I smile at Marco’s wife. She is standing more to the side, trying to hold her daughter back.

“Lee,” Julia screeches off the top of her lungs, then takes off after Levi. She is a few months older and more mobile than my nephew, so she catches up to him in no time.

“I’m sorry, Eva,” Lexi smiles at my mom apologetically.

“No, honey, you’re fine. Come sit down,” she directs Lexi. I am once again taken aback with how Lexi ended up fitting into our family. She didn’t even try when she was with Ridge.

It all worked out for the best though, I smile as I look around the room, loving my loud, blended family.

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