Page 7 of Seven Ways Back

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“Ima be an out of the closet criminal if I go through with it,” I crack up, and the corner of her mouth twitches when she tries to fight back the laughter I know she wants to let out.

“Zach, be serious for just the next thirty seconds,” Hunter insists. “That’s all it’ll take me to tell you what I got to…”

“Just say it, woman, don’t drag it on. I hate that shit,” I growl into her neck and nip lightly at her delicate skin. On second thought, I start sucking harder because I want to leave my mark on her. I’ve never felt the need to mark a girl like this before, but now that I got it into my head, I want to mark her entire neck. And shoulders. Down her chest. Her belly…

“I’m still a virgin.”

My head snaps back so fast, it is a wonder I didn’t fall on my ass. She’s a what now?

I did not see this coming.

At all.


Food is here


The shock reflected on Zach’s face is making me laugh. I didn’t mean to blurt it out like that, but I wanted him to know. It is obvious that he wants to have sex with me. And I want to do it with him too. I think he is the perfect choice for my first time. Finally! I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. And Zach is perfect.

“Did you…” He points at me like I just grew a second head. “Are you…” He scratches hard at the side of his face, and I bust out laughing. He looks like my dad’s dog when he’s got an itch by his ear.

“Zach,” I grab his wrist and pull his arm down. “This is not a big deal. But I just wanted you to know before we, you know.” I don’t know how to word what I am trying to say. He makes me nervous with the intensity in his gaze when he looks at me.

“Not a big deal?” Zach sounds appalled. “I am not sure what kind of losers you’ve been going out with, but, babe, this is a huge fucking deal.” His hands are now on my shoulders, shaking me a little when he speaks as if to bring the point home. “How in the world are you still a virgin?”

“I don’t know.” I feel very self-conscious about it now, and there’s a furious blush taking over my face. “I’ve never been attracted to anyone enough to go through with it,” I shrug. What’s the big deal anyway? I just need a willing man to break a tiny membrane that just happens to be inside my body.

“And now you are?” Zach interrupts my thoughts of membrane breaking plans.

“Am I what?”

“Attracted enough to give it up,” he clarified, a small smirk lifting the corner of his mouth in a very attractive way.

I cross my arms over my chest and jut a hip out. “I find the whole concept of giving it up, as you call it, to be archaic and I don’t think it applies nowadays.”

“Interesting,” Zach’s eyes are laser focused on my face. “And what would you call it?”

“Just, I don’t know, an exchange of bodily fluids that also results in a physical act that requires penetration.” I seriously have no idea what I just said. I’m sure it doesn’t make any sense, and by the bemused look on his face, Zach’s got no clue what I just said either.

“Penetration, huh?” I jump a little when he brings a hand up and pulls on a strand of hair framing my face.

“I am hoping for lots of penetration,” I bob my head up and down. “With you.” Because I don’t want him to think I am out looking for random hookups. I wouldn’t still be an old virgin if I were that type of a person.

“You’re not old anything,” Zach starts laughing, and I realize that I said the words out loud, but then his face gets serious. “I am honored that you picked me to penetrate you for the first time.”

It’s an awkward statement that would normally make me laugh my head off. What a conversation we’re having, right?

“I feel weird about it now.” My hands go into the pockets of my jeans to stop myself from touching him. I think I’ve reached my quota of crazy for the night.

“You still want to have a pizza with me?” My eyes lift to his in surprise. I thought he’d want to throw me out by now, not offer me food.

“Do you?”

“Even more so than before,” Zach grins at me, then pulls his cell phone out of his pocket and dials a number. “What do you like on your pizza?”

“Everything?” I lift my shoulders, and my answer sounds like a question.

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