Page 45 of Seven Ways Back

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“Zach,” she starts moving again, too, her pussy milking my cock for all it’s worth.

My seed spills into her, and the pleasure from it threatens to make me black out. I am breathing heavy, and I feel pleasure like I can’t even explain.

Even after I am all depleted of everything I had in me, my hips are still moving against Hunter’s, a lot slower now. I don’t want to leave her body, but the position we’re in is getting to be too uncomfortable.

I manage to pull out, wondering what kind of a mess I am leaving behind. No way I was going to use a condom, so too late to worry about that shit anyway.

With some gentle maneuvering, we are finally under the covers, facing each other. Hunter has a goofy smile on her face.

“I can’t believe I am your wife.” Great news, she remembers that we’re married.

I am just about to make a very inappropriate comment, when her next words about kill me on the spot.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the baby, Zach.”




The shock running through my veins cannot be put into words. I’ve been staring at the ceiling for hours now, unable to sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, all I could see in my head was a picture of Hunter holding a baby. Our baby? What the hell did she mean by that?

Unfortunately, I was not able to ask her that. All the alcohol she had throughout the evening mixed with the exhaustion from us having sex seemed to pull her into a deep sleep. The second those words left her mouth, she was out.

I watch her chest rising and falling as she’s resting, and I just want to shake her awake. What the fuck did she mean by that?

I can’t lie still next to her anymore. I jump out of bed and go to the bathroom where I turn the shower on. I make as much noise as I possibly can without inviting any complaints from the other rooms next to mine.

My wedding night did not go as expected, I think to myself as I scrub my body clean. And now I wonder what I was thinking when I went along with her suggestion for us to get married.

I wanted to tie her to me forever, that was it. I had already decided that I didn’t want to ever let her go, no matter what. However, I had not seen this new development coming.

Finally done with the shower, I rub a dry towel over my body, then go back into the room where Hunter is still snoring away. At any other time, I would’ve found her snoring to be really cute. Not anymore. Nothing that she is or does is cute anymore all of a sudden.

All the anger I’ve held inside of me for the past seven years is bursting at the seams. This is not going to be good at all. At. All.

I pull clean clothes out of my suitcase, then sit down in the chair by the window, cracking my neck when I move my head side to side and tapping my thumbs on the arm rests as I wait for Hunter to wake up.

After what feels like forever, I check the time and see that it’s close to noon. We came to the room at almost dawn, but she should still have gotten enough rest. It should be early enough to wake her up, right? Because I can’t wait another second.

Before I do that though, I decide to check my messages, make sure there’s nothing urgent at the office. I see I have a message from my dad, so I make sure to reply to that. He wants me to call him right away, but I want to deal with Hunter first, so I ask him to give me a few.

I also have a voicemail from Grams. I smile at hearing her voice. Sounds like Brooke stopped by with the baby to visit. The joy in my grandmother’s voice at talking about the baby brings me back to my current situation with Hunter.

Movement from the bed brings my eyes to her. The sheet I had covered her with slipped down, exposing her breasts, her ribs sticking out in an almost painful way now that I see them in the light of day. I watch as she stretches, then one hand starts moving around my side of the bed, presumably looking for me. When she can’t find me, her head pops up, eyes open wide.

“Zach,” she sighs in relief, a soft smile stretching her lips. In a different life, I would’ve loved to enjoy her sleepy face, with the scratchy voice and hair all over the place.

“Tell me about the baby,” I all but bark at her. She jumps in surprise at that. I bet she doesn’t even remember what she told me last night, or rather this morning. I wonder if she remembers that we’re married. What a cluster this is.

“What?” She sits up in bed, bringing the sheet up to cover her breasts.

“Tell me,” I growl and lean forward, ready to pounce on her, and not for any good times.

“I don’t know what you mean.” She looks guilty as fuck, and my patience is non existing now.

“Hunter, don’t play fucking games with me. Were you pregnant?”

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