Page 31 of Seven Ways Back

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“Sounds like you got everything under control, brother.” It’s kind of nice that I don’t have to do anything other than show up. Quite the change from my day to day life.

“I knew you wouldn’t let me down. What are best friends for, right?”

“Right,” I agree, and we say our goodbyes.

Walking to the bar I have set up in one corner of my living room, I pour myself two fingers of my oldest scotch. It burns so good when I throw it back and it slides down my throat.

I shake my head, then pour another glass. And then another. And another. I drink until my head gets all fuzzy and I am not sure that I can walk to my bedroom in the back of the house.

I slide off the couch and onto the carpet where I rest my head against the seat. I close my eyes and try not to think of Hunter, but she is all I can think about. I tried moving on, I really did. I dated on and off, sometimes longer than necessary, knowing that it wasn’t going to go anywhere.

I broke a heart or two here and there, too. And I felt guilty, so guilty. And with each woman whose parting words were that she hated me, I tried to mend my own broken heart.

Seven years is a ridiculous amount of time to pine over someone who never really wanted you to begin with. Or did she?

What was Van saying earlier? Hunter had a panic attack thinking that she saw me somewhere. Was she really that close that I could’ve run into her?

I pick up my phone and dial Grams’ number. I don’t think of what time it is until I hear her sleepy voice.

“Zachie, you okay?” She calls me that every so often. It makes me feel like I am a little boy again, and not the thirty-three-year-old man that I am, running a billion-dollar company on my own.

“Hunter is back,” my gravelly voice sounds even worse. I try to clear my throat, but the alcohol is muddling my brain, and I’m not quite sure what I’m doing. I start laughing.

“Zach,” Grams sounds more awake now.

“She is Brooke’s husband’s sister,” I snicker. Grams knows who Brooke is since they used to be neighbors. She used to always send me to her door with her famous fruit tarts, hoping that Brooke and I would hit it off.

“Oh my goodness,” Grams gasps. “Zach, are you okay?”

“Yeah. I’m going to see her in a couple of days. I’m going to Vegas with Van. He’s dating Hunter’s cousin. Can this world get a little fuckin’ smaller, Grams?” I laugh again. It is seriously ridiculous.

“Zachie, my baby, don’t do anything stupid. Promise me,” Grams begs. “Be nice. You don’t know what made her do that before. It was a long time ago, Zach.”

“Yeah,” I agree. “Long time ago. Then how come I can’t get her face out of my head? What am I gonna do, Grams? Die alone? Tell me.” The alcohol in me is making me very chatty. I have never had such an in depth conversation with my grandmother, or anyone else for that matter. Nobody other than Hunter, that is, and that was seven years ago.

Seven years ago.

A lifetime.

Seven years ago, the thought keeps on echoing in my head.

That’s when Hunter fucked me seven times over.


Zach Cavanaugh is here


My cousin, Chloe, has become a very close friend in the last few weeks. I submitted my paperwork to officially request a transfer to the Chicago office, and she’s been there for me every step of the way.

Now, we are boarded on a plane and about to take off for Las Vegas, Nevada, where Chloe is supposed to meet with a fitness company who wants to have her and Van Boyd, her not-at-the-moment boyfriend, representing their brand.

I am still so confused over how Chloe and Van went from the perfect couple to the we-are-on-a-break kind of couple. It doesn’t even sound right, but I try not to stick my nose in their business. God knows I am not the one to talk given my cluster of a non-existing love life.

While we wait for the takeoff, I start telling her about my work situation, and also my looking for new living quarters. I may have to ask her if she wants a roommate if things don’t look up.

“Are you sure this is what you want? Move here, I mean,” she asks me for what feels like the millionth time.

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