Page 6 of Hot Ride

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Daniel's rich laughter crackles through the speaker, transporting me back to hazy summer days and the familiar streets of our hometown.

“Jay-bird! Just checking in on my favorite rockstar. How's the glamorous life treating you?”

I snort, wandering back to the plush sectional and sinking into the buttery leather.

“Oh, you know. Champagne wishes and caviar dreams, man. It's a real grind.”

“Must be rough, signing autographs every minute, huh?” Daniel teases.

My smile fades as my gaze lands on a framed photograph—Daniel and I as kids, our faces smeared with ice cream and dirt, grinning.

When did things become so damn complicated?

“You don't know the half of it, D. I swear, sometimes I miss the days when our biggest problem was figuring out how to sneak into R-rated movies.”

Daniel’s voice takes on a teasing lilt. “Well, you’re in luck. Oakville is just as sleepy and uneventful as you remember.”

I pause, grinning. “It’s been a while, but I look forward to seeing you and Jessica. It’ll be good to reconnect with the old crew, too.”

“Well, alright then.” His voice softens. “It’ll be good to have you back, man. Maybe we can squeeze in a jam session, for old times’ sake.”

The idea hits me like a shot of adrenaline. “Hell yeah.”

“Oh, one other thing,” Daniel says, hesitating. “Any chance my sister could hitch a ride?”

My breath catches. Scarlett. The one person who never let me get away with any bullshit, even at my worst. She always had a knack for peeling back my layers.

“Jay? You still there?”

I huff out a breath. “Yeah, man. I’m here.”

For some reason, the idea of Scarlett joining feels right. Terrifying, probably disastrous, but right.

“Sure thing,” I say before I can overthink it. “Tell Scarlett she’s welcome to join.”

“Seriously? You’re sure?”

I chuckle, tension and anticipation thrumming through me. “Yeah, I’m sure.” Maybe too sure, given how my heart’s racing.

“Promise me one thing.” I pause, a faint smirk playing on my lips. “If she kills me on this trip, you'd better be prepared to get haunted for the rest of your days.”

Daniel's answering laugh is rich and full-bodied. “Deal, rockstar. I'll even leave out some beer for your ghost.”

I hang up, tuck my phone into my pocket, and stride over to the half-packed duffel bag in the corner, and a faint smile curves my lips.

This trip home isn’t just a timeout.

It's a fucking rescue mission.

Chapter 3


Iuntie my apron and toss it onto the counter at Sweet Things, Finley's bakery.

The sweet aroma of freshly baked pastries lingers, comforting yet making me painfully aware of how much I will miss this place.

Finley gives me a knowing look. “It's going to be okay, Scarlett. Wait and see.”

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