Page 39 of Hot Ride

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The twins are wearing matching yellow onesies, making it hard to tell them apart yet. Their chubby cheeks and button noses are nearly identical.

"Which peanut is this little one?" I ask, gently tickling the baby's foot.

"Wyatt," Daniel proudly supplies, his chest puffing out slightly.

The pride in his voice is unmistakable, and I can't help but smile at my brother's obvious joy.

"He's growing!" I exclaim, marveling at how much the baby has changed since I last saw him. It's incredible how fast they develop at this age.

Daniel gestures to a nearby stroller. “Emma’s asleep.”

I peek into the stroller, careful not to wake my niece, her little fists curled up near her face as she dreams.

I watch as Jett leans over the stroller. His face transforms, a gentle smile replacing his usual smirk. I’ve never seen this side of him before—the tough, cocky rockstar melting at the sight of these tiny humans.

Jett's finger traces the curve of Emma's cheek, feather-light and careful. "Hey there, princess," he coos.

He looks up at me, catching my gaze. His eyes are filled with a warmth I've never seen before.

"She's perfect," he murmurs.

My heart swells as I imagine Jett as a father someday.

I picture him cradling our baby, singing lullabies. The Jett in my mind is patient and loving, his wild energy channeled into being the best father he can be.

His laugh echoes in my head, playing peek-a-boo. I can picture the pride shining in his eyes watching our child's first wobbly steps.

He'd probably be the fun parent, the one who lets the kids stay up past bedtime and sneaks them candy before dinner. But he'd also be fiercely protective, ready to move mountains to keep his family safe.

I suddenly remember the gift I've been carrying around.

"Oh! Jess, I almost forgot," I exclaim, turning to my sister-in-law with a grin. "I picked up another bottle of that lavender lotion you love so much. You know, from that little place in Paris?"

Jessica's eyes light up. "You didn't! Oh, Scarlett, you're the best!"

It's not often I get to surprise her like this. I rummage through my carry-on bag, pushing aside a tangle of chargers and a half-eaten bag of airplane pretzels.

"Ta-da!" I present the elegantly wrapped package to Jessica.

"It's perfect. Thank you so much." She shifts the baby to her other arm. "I can't wait to hear all about your adventures. You have to tell me everything!"

I laugh, feeling a warmth spread through my chest. "Trust me, I've got plenty of stories to share."

As Jessica chatters excitedly about wanting to hear every detail, my hand instinctively moves to rest on my stomach.

A secret smile plays on my lips as I think about the biggest news of all – the one we're waiting to share with everyone.

Jett steps closer, wrapping an arm around my waist. "Nice one, babe," he murmurs in my ear, his breath tickling my skin.

I lean into him, savoring his solid presence. My heart flutters, and I bite my lip to keep from blurting out our secret.

"Well," Daniel chimes in, bouncing Wyatt gently, "as much as I'd love to stand around talking all day, what do you say we head home? Mom's been cooking up a storm since dawn, and I'm pretty sure she's invited half the town for dinner."

I laugh. Some things never change, and my mom's tendency to go overboard for family gatherings is definitely one of them.

The next evening, we gather at Daniel and Jessica's for the christening ceremony. Their living room's been transformed into a cozy sanctuary, with flickering candles and sweet-smelling blooms creating a warm, hallowed ambiance.

Jett stands close beside me, our bodies almost touching. I'm cradling little Wyatt, marveling at his tiny fingers and peaceful expression.

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