Page 34 of Hot Ride

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It was all bullshit—no baby, no broken heart. Just a grab for fame and fortune. All this pain, all this destruction, over a lie.

Anger courses through me, hot and fierce. How could she do this? How could anyone be so callous, so selfish? The Heather I knew would never have stooped this low. Or maybe I never really knew her at all.

Just a grab for fame and fortune. All this pain, all this destruction, over a lie.

I've been sucker-punched, but there's another message from Mitch. My publicist orchestrated the whole thing. Sloane talked Heather into lying, and Sloane hired the paparazzo who stalked us.

The betrayal cuts deep. The person I trusted with my career and my image, who’s been there through thick and thin, always ready with a solution to any PR crisis. And now this? It's like the ground is shifting beneath my feet.

My mind races. If Sloane was behind this, could my manager, Gary be involved too? The thought makes me sick, but I need to know. I can't risk making another mistake.

I dial Gary’s number, my heart pounding as it rings. “Jett? What's going on?” He sounds groggy like he’s just woken up.

“Did you know?” I demand, not bothering with pleasantries. “About Sloane and the fake Heather story?”

There's a pause on the other end of the line. “Whoa, slow down,” Gary says. “What fake story are you talking about? What's going on?”

I take a deep breath and explain everything–the false pregnancy story, the paparazzi photos, and Sloane's betrayal.

Gary’s wide awake now, letting out a string of curses that would make a sailor blush. “Jesus. I had no idea about any of this. I swear to you.”

His reaction seems genuine. At least I still have someone I can trust.

“Okay, here's what's happening,” I tell him. “I'm firing Sloane and suing her and Heather for damages. I need you to handle the media fallout from this mess.”

“Got it,” Gary says, determination ringing in his voice. “I'll take care of everything on my end.”

As I hang up, I feel a bit steadier. It's not much, but it's a start.

I allow myself a moment of grim satisfaction, but there's one more thing to do. The hardest thing.

I've got the video ready to share online, but Daniel deserves to hear the truth from me first. I forward it to him with a simple message: “Meet me at the Four Friends bar.”

The damage is done—to my reputation, Daniel's trust, whatever was blossoming between Scarlett and me.

Losing her, losing them both, it's a physical ache in my chest. Will he believe me? Will Scarlett?

Scarlett. Her name echoes in my mind. Even if Daniel believes me, will she? Or have I lost her before I ever really had her?

The ball's in his court, but what if it's too late to fix what I've broken?

As I sit in my parked car, waiting for Daniel's response, I'm hit with a wave of nostalgia. The Four Friends bar, where we've shared so many laughs, celebrated victories, and nursed broken hearts. It seems fitting that this is where I'm making my last stand.

My phone remains silent, no response from Daniel. The uncertainty gnaws at me, but I cling to a sliver of hope. We've been through too much together for it to end like this. And Scarlett... God, Scarlett. The memory of her smile, her laugh, the way she sees right through my rock star facade - it's all I have to hold onto right now.

Whatever happens next, I know one thing for certain: I'm not giving up without a fight. On Daniel, on Scarlett, on us. Because some things are worth fighting for, no matter the cost.

Chapter 10


Iam tagging behind Jessica as we return to the house after our mani-pedis, the rest of the bridesmaids chattering excitedly. It's the day before the wedding and the house is a hive of activity, with people bustling about carrying decorations and arranging flowers.

I'm so distracted by the wedding preparations, I almost collide with Jett, who's hanging fairy lights in the entryway. My breath catches as I stumble, our eyes locking for a brief, charged moment.

Jett's lips part, about to speak, but I avert my gaze, fearing his stare will unravel me.

“Scarlett, can you help me with the place cards?” Jessica’s voice cuts through the noise.

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