Page 52 of His to Protect

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“Sorry about that, but don’t say ridiculous things like that anymore. Do you understand me?” I nod my head, not daring to look at him, and I see stars at the edge of my vision. “Now, let’s go somewhere and have a little chat.”

Confused, I frown. Why can’t we just stay here? I’m instantly alarmed, but not wanting to get smacked again, I slowly stand up and follow him out of the office. We walk up a flight of stairs and he tugs me through the emergency entrance and onto the roof.

A horrible fear suddenly fills me and I stop walking, my feet digging in and refusing to budge. But Caleb is stronger and yanks me forward, right over to the edge.

“It’s a spectacular view from up here, isn’t it?” His fingers are digging into my upper arm and he leans over to look out at the city, pulling me with him, right up to the edge.

My heart and stomach sink. We’re so high up, twenty-six floors to be exact, and falling would mean certain death. I glance around, wondering how I can escape. It’s much louder up here than I would’ve expected with lots of vents and machinery. Chewing on my lower lip, I’m grateful for some potential places to hide, if I need to.

“I wouldn’t recommend falling, though. It wouldn’t end well.” He smirks at me. “So, here’s the situation, Hannah, and I’m going to be brutally honest with you. And before you blurt out something stupid about love again, I suggest you think hard first. Okay?”

“Okay,” I force out when his hand tightens around my arm harder, like a damn vise.

“I’m going to rule this city, with or without you by my side, but I’d like you to be my queen. However, you need to forget about Vin Rossi, stop working for him, and help me humiliate him in every possible way I see fit.” I squirm, trying to loosen his grip, but it’s proving to be impossible. “Starting with those passwords. If you don’t agree to give them to me then I’m sorry to say I have no use for you.”

As if he needs to reinforce his threat, he suddenly releases my arm and grabs the back of my neck, forcing me against the low brick wall and pushing, making me look out over the edge and down at the sidewalk below. My hands grab hold of the edge, holding tightly, and my heart is thumping madly. Caleb makes sure I have a good view down to the sidewalk and it’s dizzying and terrifying all at once.

At that moment, staring twenty-six floors straight down to the unforgiving pavement, I realize that if I don’t agree to his mad plan then he’s going to kill me.

With a cry, I twist, drop and manage to break away from him. Scrambling to my feet, I’m halfway to the door when his arms wrap around me and he hauls me roughly back against his chest. Disgust fills me when I feel his erection pressing into me. My fear is turning him on and I squeeze my eyes shut. He’s enjoying this and I want to vomit.

“You feel that?” he whispers in my ear. “I’m going to put my cock into every hole in your body and you’re going to enjoy it. I might even make a new hole with my knife and then fuck that, too. Because, you owe me your innocent blood. But you gave it to Vin,” he practically snarls.

His words make me sick.

“That’s right,” I hiss and slam an elbow backwards, right into his side. He grunts, loosening his hold slightly, and I take advantage and make a quick escape. Unfortunately, he’s so much faster than me and he grabs me again.

I let out a scream as he drags me right back over to the edge again. “That wasn’t very smart, Hannah. All you’ve managed to do is make me angrier.”

Then, Caleb roughly yanks me up off the ground, his fingers digging cruelly into my hips. He shoves me forward, until the front half of my body is dangling over the side of the building and I’m staring straight down to the ground.

Terrified, I don’t dare move or even breathe. I’m at his mercy and if he lets go, I’m dead.

“This is the last time I’m going to ask you, Hannah, you little bitch,” he growls. “Will you give me the passwords to access the documents I want?”

With no other choice, I yell up to him, “Yes! Pull me back up, please, and I’ll do whatever you want.”

The asshole lets me hang there, precariously suspended above the city for what feels like another minute before finally pulling me back up. Relief floods me and I sag forward, terror thrumming through my veins.

“See how easy that was?” he asks, grinning at me.

I don’t think my heart will ever slow down and I hate Caleb Durant with a passion. I have no intention of giving him what he wants or betraying Vin and his family, but I needed to buy more time. I just hope the plan forming in my head works or I have no doubt that Caleb will toss me off this roof without a second warning.



When I reach Hannah’s apartment, I’m nervous as hell and hesitate before knocking. It was easy to get inside because the damn lock on the front door is broken and I make a mental note to have that taken care of for her. Even though I plan on moving her out of this dump as soon as possible.

Here goes nothing, I think, and lift my fist. Heart in my throat, I knock and wait, listening closely, expecting to hear her move around inside. But the only thing I hear is silence. Maybe she’s in the bathroom. I try again, louder this time. After waiting a few moments, still nothing, so I pull out my phone and send her a text. No response. What the hell? I call, too. It rings and rings then drops into her voicemail.

“Hannah?” I begin pounding, hard and loud enough that she will definitely hear. Pressing my ear against the flimsy door, I strain to hear something, but it’s far too quiet. Maybe she went out. I know she likes to walk down to the cemetery and visit her mother’s grave. But why wouldn’t she message me back?

“What’s all the racket about?” a cackly-old voice grumbles.

Turning around, I see one of Hannah’s neighbors peering out of her doorway. If I remember correctly, her name is Liza.

“I’m here to see Hannah,” I say, stepping away from the door. “I guess she’s not home.”

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