Page 39 of His to Protect

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“Good. I’ll pick you up after work. Five o’clock?”

I nod miserably.

“Look for the BMW.” He winks at me and I throw up a little in my mouth. “See you soon, Hannah dear.”

Ugh. I open the door and slip back out. If Vin loses Rossi Vineyard because of me, he’ll never forgive me. There’s nothing else I could’ve done. Nothing except agree to the dinner date to protect the Rossi family and their interests. To protect Vin.

Pulling my shoulders back, I continue down to the deli and wonder how in the hell I’m going to get through dinner with Caleb Durant. Even worse, what if he begins demanding more from me? How can I say no, but also make sure Vin, his family and their company remain safe?

I truly have no idea.



The moment Hannah returns from the deli with lunch, I can tell something is wrong. She’s withdrawn, quiet and uncommunicative. She’s just not her usual cheerful self and I wonder why. Is it because of what happened between us earlier? Does she regret it? I hope not because as much as I’m trying to keep the physical stuff separate from the emotional crap, it hurts me to see her upset.

You can’t fall for her, I tell myself. You absolutely cannot lose your heart to another woman.

Not after what happened the last time.

After my brothers leave, Hannah and I start to work on a new project together, and the scorching heat between us earlier that nearly set us on fire is completely gone. It’s as though her mind is a million miles away.

At one point, I flat-out ask her what’s wrong. She shrugs my question off, says nothing and changes the subject. But, I can read her too well. Something is definitely bothering her and I vow to find out what.

I quickly find out that Hannah is stubborn as hell when she wants to be. She clams up and closes off, making it clear that the conversation is over. Maybe for now, I reluctantly concede, but I will find out what’s going on in that pretty, little head of hers.

The rest of the day flies by because we’re so busy and I realize how much I love working with Hannah. Having her by my side, listening to her opinions and suggestions is exciting because she has such a fresh, original and youthful outlook. She’s also passionate about the brand and her job. And, God help me, I’m passionate about her.

I want her so damn badly. On a deep, primitive level that’s starting to make me a little—okay, a lot—crazy for her. So nuts, in fact, that after she says a quick goodbye and races out the door, I follow her.

I have never followed a woman before in my life.

But, I’m extremely concerned and suspicious about her sudden mood swing when she returned with lunch. Her normally cheerful demeanor had completely evaporated. Something had happened while she was out and, dammit, I’m going to find out what.

And if I have to kick someone’s ass, I will. Because nobody is allowed to upset my angel like that. Fucking no one.

Keeping my distance and making sure to stay out of view, I follow her down to the lobby, watch her walk outside and head straight over to a BMW. Squinting, I try to see through the glass and get a glimpse of the driver, but the windows are tinted and the car is parked at an angle. I can’t make out shit other than it’s a flashy, red sports model.

No thanks. I much prefer my Mercedes to that “hey, look at me” car. Pathetic.

When Hannah pulls the door open and gets inside, my heart freezes up because I get a glimpse of the driver. Fucking Caleb Durant. It takes every ounce of my self-control not to storm over there and yank Hannah back out of that car.

My heart sinks. Why is she going with him? What don’t I know? What kind of game is she playing? Why in the hell would she willingly go with that asshole? My hands clench into fists and I bite down so hard, I’m surprised that I don’t crack a tooth. Immediately, my first response is anger; then, my fractured heart fills so heavy with doubts that it sinks like a brick in my chest.

I’ve been cheated on before and it’s what damaged me so thoroughly that I’ve avoided serious relationships for years. Cynda fucking broke me. Now, seeing Hannah go off with another man infuses me with jealousy, confusion and fury.

But, after a minute, I begin to think more logically. She called me half-scared to death after her last run-in with Durant. Why would she not be afraid of him now? What the hell is going on? And, above all, why didn’t she confide in me if something is going on?

As the car pulls away from the curb, I bolt outside and head straight to my Mercedes. Luckily, it’s still parked at the curb where Enzo dropped it off earlier after borrowing it. His car is in the shop and after our lunch, he needed to run an errand. Like the good brother I am, I said okay. Of course, in typical Enzo fashion, he left it out front with the valet who said I’d get it later. That was hours ago. Luckily, the valet isn’t going to allow the president’s car to be towed.

Pulling out into traffic, I keep my eyes on the BMW. The bright red car stands out in traffic, so it’s easy to spot, and I make my way closer, weaving in and out of the other cars, taxis and buses. It’s rush hour, so the streets are jam-packed and I pay close attention to where Durant is taking Hannah.

Taking my Hannah.

The idea of them together makes me sick. Something has to be going on. But what? Determined to figure it out, I follow them all the way to Valentino’s, some swank, little restaurant near the docks. While Durant pulls up to the valet, I park illegally and wait, growing more pissed with every passing second. Something isn’t adding up. Maybe I should just walk away, but the protector in me needs to know that Hannah is alright. When she gets out of the car, there’s no missing the miserable look on her face. She doesn’t want to be there and my wobbly heart steadies.

And, if she doesn’t want to be here then I’m going in to rescue her. Even if I have to plow through Caleb Durant and forcefully remove Hannah from the situation. I don’t give a fuck. Right now I’m feeling edgy and supremely pissed off. No one—and I mean fucking no one—takes my angel away from me and makes her do something she doesn’t want to do.

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