Page 29 of His to Protect

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Plucking my phone out of my jacket, I can’t resist the temptation to call Hannah any longer. Of course, I’m calling her because, goddammit, I want to hear her voice. But I’m going to pretend it’s more about the job offer than the simple fact I’m jonesing to hear my angel’s voice.


The moment she answers, I know something isn’t right. She sounds out of breath and even a little scared.

“Hannah, what’s wrong?” I immediately ask, straightening up to my full height and instantly in tune with her fear. “Are you okay?”

“Um, I don’t know. I mean, yes, I think so.”

“Where are you? What’s going on?”

“That guy from the auction just showed up out of nowhere.”

The blood in my body freezes. “What?” I hiss.

“Caleb Durant. He wanted me to get in his car, but I said no. I’m hurrying back to my apartment right now?—”

“I’m coming. Listen carefully. I want you to stay on the line with me, okay? I’m coming to you. How far are you from your place?”

“Maybe ten minutes? I took a walk, trying to clear my head.”

“I’m on my way, Angel. Just keep walking and I’ll find you, okay?”

“Okay,” she whispers, and I have the impression she’s clutching onto the phone, holding it to her ear like a lifeline.

Heart in my throat, I hit the gas and fly over to Brooklyn in record time. Luckily, it doesn’t take me too long because I was already fairly close and I find Hannah almost to her apartment. Pulling the car over, I throw the door open. “Hannah!”

The moment she hears my voice, she stops and jumps in, pulling the door shut and locking it. “I’m so glad to see you,” she gushes and my chest tightens. “For a minute, I thought he was following me, but I don’t know.”

The fear in her voice makes me tighten my grip on the steering wheel and want to beat the living shit out of Caleb Durant. “You’re sure you’re okay?” I ask, prying my hand loose from its steel grip around the wheel and snagging hers.

“I am now,” she reassures me.

“No one is going to hurt you,” I tell her. The feel of her small hand in mind settles my mind. I have her. She’s safe. No one is taking her from me. “I promise.”

And I mean it. From this point forward, I’m taking Hannah Everson under my protection. Whether she likes it or not.



Instead of driving me home, I notice Vin turns the car toward his place. I’m about to object, but something inside of me doesn’t want to. The truth is I want to be with him. Running into Caleb like that, out in the wild, put me on edge. Even more so, I missed Vin and I just want to be near him again.

God, am I turning into a pathetic, needy woman after one night with the man? Technically, I slept beside him the last two nights. Of course, not much sleeping occurred in his bed, but lying in his arms, breathing in his citrusy scent and feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest beneath my cheek did something to me. It made me want more. So much more.

But after the way he closed off this morning, I began having massive doubts. While I’m sitting here hoping to spend more time with him, Vin closed off and rushed me straight back to my apartment. After the intense night we had, his actions left me confused and hurt. The moment I needed him, though, he came running straight to me. That has to mean something, right?

I’m not sure where we stand or what he wants, but I’ll never forget how Vin is always there for me when I need someone the most. After losing my mom, I’ve had no one else in my life to rely on. Maybe now I do? The idea makes my heart swell with hope and something more. Something I’m too scared to even consider since I’ve only known him since Friday night.

By the time we arrive at Vin’s apartment, I’ve settled down and I’m more relaxed. He parks in the underground garage and we take the elevator up to his floor. I’m not sure what to say and he has a grim, steely look on his face, so neither of us says anything. Once we’re safely inside, he locks the door and turns to me.

“I want you to tell me exactly what happened.”

Shifting uneasily, trying to read his mood, I nod. I suppose it’s the least I can do after he came to my rescue for a second time. “Well, it’s like I told you. I had just left the cemetery?—”


“Um, yeah,” I say, twisting my hands and feeling my cheeks flush. “Sometimes I walk down to visit my mom. I like to sit there and talk to her. It probably sounds silly to you.”

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