Page 15 of Chasing His Nanny

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The cab ride home is utterly unbearable. I’m quietly seething, my jaw clenched as I stare out the window, trying not to look at Bast.

He looks insufferably hot in that tailored suit, and I hate I want more from him after our argument.

But the way he kissed me and then immediately shrugged me off, telling me it was a mistake, replays in my mind on a torturous loop. I want to scream at the unfairness of it all.

“What’s wrong?” he asks, no doubt picking up on my icy demeanor.

I just shrug, grab my phone and start mindlessly scrolling through messages, willing away the burning behind my eyes.

With a sigh, he reaches over and plucks the phone from my hands. “Talk to me.”

I shoot him a withering glare. “Did you take me to the function because you wanted to get out of the date with Geri?”

“No,” he replies, avoiding my gaze.

Anger flares hot in my chest. “Liar,” I hiss.

He shakes his head in frustration. “This is why I don’t date. It’s too much trouble.”

“You don’t date because you prefer to be miserable and make any excuse why you shouldn’t date.”

“I do not.”

“Fine! But don’t use me in the future because you’re too much of a coward to tell the truth.”

Mercifully, the cab pulls up outside.

While Bast pays the driver, I storm out and head straight for the house, fighting back tears.

I make a beeline for my room and collapse face-first onto the bed when there’s a knock at the door.

“What did I do wrong?” he asks from the doorway.

I could say so much, but I roll over and fix him with a sickly sweet smile, tapping the corner of my mouth. “Something like ‘shit ... sorry ... I won’t ever do that again.’”

He looks utterly bewildered. “You’re being dramatic.”

“Let’s just forget tonight ever happened,” I reply bitterly. “Tomorrow, I’ll be the perfect nanny and you can be ... you.”

When he turns on his heel and walks away, I flop back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling as I listen to him stomping around in his bedroom upstairs.

Angrily swiping at the tears streaking my cheeks, I grab my phone. My fingers fly over the keyboard as I type out a message.

Me: Where are you guys drinking tonight?

Jade: We’re at Jangles. Are you coming? We came out later because we’re planning on partying into the early hours.

Me: I’ll see you in fifteen minutes.

I pay the cab fare, slam the door and make my way toward the thumping bass, which reverberates through my body as I approach the nightclub entrance. Neon lights blaze through the front windows, flashing in time with the music.

The doorman opens the door.

The air is thick with the mingling scents of spilled cocktails, sweat, and desperation.

Ava spots me first and comes barreling through the crowd, enveloping me in a tight hug. “Bree! It’s been ages!”

“Hi, how are you?”

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