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“Reminding her of our first dance together. It’s our song.”

I took back the headphones as Billie handed over her bud and tucked them back into my pocket.

“You two. Ugh. You’re just adorable. Well, here we are. Please enjoy, and if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.”

We forced ourselves to smile and patiently wait for the food to be placed on the table. Billie picked up her fork when the servers had gone, but it just hovered in the air above her plate.

Emiliano got up and left, and I sighed. I wished I’d gotten more from him, but…we had time. Lots and lots of time. Right, Billie?

“Eat up, darlin’. We need to get back home.”

Smirking, evil glee filling my heart as she looked up and glared, I took a bit of my steak—rare but warmed through. It was fucking good. I’ll hand it to them.

Billie shook her head, took a bite, and chewed slowly. When she reached for her wine, she paused. I could see her weighing the pros and cons of speaking in her head. And as much as I enjoyed her little dilemma, I wanted in on what she was thinking.


She met my eyes, and I cocked a brow. A sip from my wine was in order, and Billie only took another two seconds to finally speak up.

“My job is supposed to be about stopping this kind of thing from happening. About making sure that those who break the law are punished or those who are misrepresented have someone to fight for them.”

“Yeah.” I shrugged.

“It feels like a joke right now, Pietor. I’ve been working for at least one corrupt individual. I’m not excited about the prospect of adding a second. Or falling into that trap myself.”

Taking another sip of the red, I nodded. “So don’t.”

Chapter 11 - Billie

I wasn’t sure what I’d expected an afternoon with Pietor to be like, but it wasn’t this. We’d left the restaurant shortly after Emiliano, and the drive back to his home had been nearly silent.

It wasn’t like I didn’t know that my client had…interests that I was privy to, but I’d honestly not realized they were this level of problematic. He’d been damn good at hiding it all, and my boss had been very insistent on me just shutting up and doing the job.

Which, you know, was a giant red flag in retrospect.

The oddest thing was how I’d felt working with Pietor against them. Sure, we were a long way off from tangible evidence that could be used against them in court, but I’d enjoyed collecting the information and spying on them. It felt wild, intriguing, and dangerous.

Things that were supposed to be very out of character for me.

“Home again, sweetheart.”

Pietor’s drawl broke the silence, and I rolled my eyes. He was so convinced he was charming, and it sucked that he wasn’t entirely wrong. He had a wicked sense of humor, and I’d forgotten how much I enjoyed a good laugh a long time ago.

“Must you call me that?”

I quirked a brow at him when he looked over, pulling the car through the sweeping semicircle drive I’d seen before.

“Nah, there’s darlin’, baby, and hmm…” He eyed me, raking his stare across every inch of my skin, and I shivered despite myself.

I furrowed my brow. “What?”

“No, I don’t think you’re ready for the last one yet. Soon enough, though.”

My stomach flip-flopped, and instinctively, my eyes fell to the floor of the cab. I didn’t know what he had planned for that last one, but I had a feeling he was right. I wasn’t ready for it. I stifled a shiver at the fucking terrible thoughts swirling through my head and reached for the handle.

“You're not thinking about running, are you?” Pietor’s hand was on top of mine, holding me in place.

“Not when It’s very clear I wouldn’t get very far.” I narrowed my stare at him, meeting that cocky smirk. “Soon enough, though.”

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