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At once, I was intimately aware of the mirror to my right. Nope. Don’t do that to yourself.

For once, I took my own advice and padded to the bathroom door to leave. As I turned the knob, it didn’t budge.


Of course, I should have seen that coming, and I chewed down the bile that rose up my throat as the walls seemed to press in on me. Sucking in a deep breath, I wrapped my knuckles on the door, waiting for Pietor to respond.

“Finished with your call?”

Rolling my eyes, I kept them closed, trying to focus around the increasing panic that slithered through my veins.


“You going to walk out nice like a good girl.”

The urge to tell him to get fucked bubbled up, but I shook my head at myself. It wouldn’t get me out of here to do that, and I wanted out of this bathroom—now.


“Glad to hear it, sweetheart.” Pietor’s satisfied tone bled through the door, and I could imagine the smirk he was wearing.

Sure enough, as the lock clicked over and I was face-to-face with him, Pietor was grinning widely.

“You have an external lock on your bathroom? Is that smart? What if you’re in there when someone does it to you?”

It was a curiosity, and I knew I shouldn’t even bother asking. Pietor undoubtedly had a way out of that situation, so I would not be using it for myself.

“I have the keys.”

Nodding, I tried to move past him. “Of course you do.”

Pietor’s hand snaked out lightning fast, gripping my bicep and holding me in place. I tensed, my muscles turning to iron as he loomed over me. That pressure that crowding as he towered above me should have made the claustrophobia worse.

It didn’t.

All I could do was look into those mismatched eyes in wonder as my blood hummed from his touch. Something smelled warm and musky coming off him—a cologne that made my senses swim.

And up close like this, I realized just how many piercings covered his face, thin tattooed lines covering his skin where it poked out from his turtle neck.

This was the longest uninterrupted look that I’d had of Pietor since he’d first visited my office, and I don’t know how I missed it last time.

He was so decked out.

Through the dark slash of his right eyebrow was a gleaming black ring, and below that, he had a nose ring on the left in that same glossy black color. Both his ears were also pierced, the lobes slightly gauged and filled with hollow black circles.

God, what else does he have pierced?

“I get the feeling you’ll be sticking around. Yes?”

Pietor’s voice was silk as it cut through the entirely inappropriate thought. He’d clearly heard enough of the conversation with Nicholas to gather that I wasn’t running. I just nodded, my mouth dry.

“Good. We have work to do.”

Chapter 10 - Pietor

Billie’s eyebrows were up to her hairline, something I expected to see often. A slow glare worked over her face as she processed my words. The furious energy burning through her is unmistakable. If she had a decent poker face, she certainly wasn’t using it now.

But what actually managed to surprise me was how she’d done a full inventory of the jewelry on my face and hadn’t recoiled like some proper, pearl-clutching damsel. Oh no, Billie had liked them, and I had a feeling I knew where her mind had gone next.

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