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Billie clenched her jaw, her brows worrying further. “And what’s that?”


Chapter 9 - Billie

What in the absolute hell does this guy think he’s doing? I’m a fucking lawyer, for Christ’s sake.

Every muscle in my body was poised to run, to jump up off this admittedly very comfortable bed and head straight for the fucking exit. But Pietor had parked himself right in front of the door and didn’t look even remotely tired. It was early fucking morning from what I could gather, and the effects of whatever he’d given me were still swirling in my blood.

I looked around the room, noting the ridiculously fancy molding and ceiling. The gold and high-end French palace look was in full swing here, and I was genuinely shocked that this was what Pietor’s bedroom looked like. Because clearly, that’s where I was.

“You can’t keep me here. You kidnapped a lawyer. Are you trying to get yourself thrown in jail for the foreseeable future?”

Pietor just smirked. That damn horrible grin was far too fucking pretty for the situation, and my blood boiled even hotter.

“You think anyone is going to report you missing? Hmm…I guess I should be worried.”

The way the words left his mouth immediately extinguished the fire in my veins, and the panic-fueled dread wormed back up my spine.

“Please, you can’t…I won’t press charges. I won’t say a word. You want me to stop calling you, I will.”

He cocked his head, and if I didn’t know any better, I would swear Pietor was…disappointed.

But Pietor just shook his head, still smiling. “Sorry, sweetheart. You’re staying put. I need you.”

I furrowed my brow at him, leaning up onto my knees. “For what?”

“Hmm, that is the question, isn’t it? You’ll see soon enough.”

A long sigh left me as I dropped my stare to the bed and slumped down. I clearly wasn’t getting out of this situation any time soon, and I wasn’t doing it by myself either.

Then I remembered the meeting we’d scheduled. It was on the books for the morning, and even Nicholas was going to be there. Nicholas. Oh God, maybe?

“Look,” I tightened my voice, buttoning up the nauseating worry and focusing hard on the way Pietor reacted when I was bossy him around, “I need a damn phone. You can’t do this, and you won’t. You’re going to let me make a fucking phone call.”

He actually laughed, his shoulders rocking as Pietor let himself chuckle wholeheartedly at that one. Goddamn, his laugh was sexy as hell, and I liked knowing that he seemed to prefer me on the sassy side far more than I should.

“All right, darlin’. Yours is a little…” His mismatched eyes swiveled up to the ceiling before finding me again, and Pietor smirked. “Nonfunctional. You can use mine.”

He nodded to the cell on the nightstand, and I lept for it, expecting him to use the opportunity to snatch it away or hit me or something. But he didn’t, and I didn’t know how to feel about that.

Was he biding his time? Lulling me into a false sense of security? Whatever it was, I didn’t have the luxury of being able to question it much. I needed to get a hold of my boss.

Remembering the number and extension, I called Nicholas, praying that he was already at the office like he usually was. The line rang and rang and rang, my heart dropping with each unanswered chime.

And then he picked up.


“Nicholas.” I bit out the word, practically leaping up and down. “It’s me, Billie.”

I looked over my shoulder. Pietor was still smirking at me, so I risked standing up off the bed and walking toward the open door leading to a bathroom. He didn’t react, so I kept going until I closed myself inside the echoey expanse.

“Billie, it’s a bit early to be calling. You better not be sick.” Nicholas sounded annoyed, as per usual, and I was so ready to snap at him.

“I’ve been fucking kidnapped, dammit. Your friend, Mr. Labriola, well, the piece of shit defendant took me out of my apartment, and now, I’m stuck at his fucking house!”

There was a pause so long that I pulled the cell away from my ear and considered whether the line had gone dead.

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