Page 77 of Flight of Fancy

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“Walao,” Arianna attempted to exclaim, only to be rendered lifeless on the bed. “That’s bigger than the last one.”

“It’s hardly big at all.”

“You Americans think anything below five inches is tiny.”

“What are we talking about, again?”

Arianna completely conceded to the bed, arms flung over her head and knuckles banging into the headboard. “It does not matter. I am in such a state that you could do whatever you want to me.”

“That’s the general idea, yes.”

“So, do it.” Arianna was on display, ready and waiting. “Do that thing you’ve wanted to do to me since you first saw me with my stupid hair up and all that makeup on my face.”

Elle knelt between her girlfriend’s opened legs. When Arianna opened her eyes, she was shocked to discover that she still could not see through her hair – and she was still too lazy to move. “I don’t recall having this image when I first saw you. But it’s definitely a great one.”

Arianna groaned when she heard the vibrator turn on again, and it wasn’t even touching her. “It’s the only image you’ll have of me now.” Her knees drew up higher beside her, one hand coming down to latch onto Elle’s, bracing them both for contact. “Make it really good.”

“That’s my goal.” Elle’s voice deepened to husky headiness as she gently pushed the vibrating strap-on into Arianna. “To kill you with pleasure.”

Arianna had another sassy comeback locked and loaded, but the only sound she could make was one of unfettered animalism as Elle took her in one thrust.

Fuck, fuck, fucking fuck! She wasn’t brand-new to strap-on sex, let alone with Elle who sometimes bought them a one-and-done to play with in a hotel. This, though? This was fancy, even without the vibrator giving the world its all deep within a silicone mold. I’ll have to take a thorough look later. That was Arianna’s last coherent thought before she was relegated to primal images of her and Elle doing nothing but this for the rest of their lives.

Maybe that was true freedom. Arianna wouldn’t have it any other way, especially when Elle thrust hard enough that there was no doubt that the woman on top was finally getting hers.

Arianna reveled in the brash way her girlfriend rode her to orgasm, thinking, It doesn’t get better than this. Even if she couldn’t think in plain words, regardless of language, she was still there. Right in the moment. Forgetting every trouble, every fragrant feeling that took hold of her when she least expected it. They couldn’t get in trouble. They would never break up. They had a fairy-tale courtship that eventually led Arianna to take down her hair in front of a lover for the first time in her life. Even if that woman was beyond a lover now.

Elle was her girlfriend. She was the love of Arianna’s life.

Even if all Arianna could do was lie there like every drop of energy had already been sucked out of her. Her grunts of acquiescence at the moment could have had more oomph, but she did her best to show Elle that she could have every part of her beloved. This was their moment; their night; their life together.

I’m in love.

That theory wove itself through the creaking of Elle’s bed, the inspired groans hitting the air and buried between Arianna’s breasts, and the erotically filthy way they made love and all the sounds that entailed. For every second Arianna spent living in the moment, there was another second debating how to ensure they never spent another night apart again.

Elle was right. She was going to kill Arianna. Kill the part of her that was too cowardly to go after what she wanted in life, all in the name of peace and security.

What kind of fearful animal am I?

One about to combust, apparently.

“Ah!” Her pathetic whimpers of submissive sobriety were now cries of euphoria. “Ah!”

Elle wasn’t only inside of her. She surrounded Arianna, forbidding her from falling out of the bed, between the pillows, or over onto her stomach. She was trapped, in that blessed way only sex with her soulmate allowed. Arianna grabbed whatever was within her grasp: her hair, the pillows, the crumpled comforter, her girlfriend’s arms and hips. Her legs shook in the air and her knees were impossibly close to her ears as Elle Sabin-Not-Sparrow left her mark in every ephemeral inch of Arianna’s soul. There was no going back to the old her. Not just because of her hair, either. Arianna would never again feel sexual pleasure without associating it with Elle, the woman who made her feel such intoxicating things as pleasure and freedom.

Even purity. That idea that Arianna had quietly faced for the majority of her life.

I am as pure as the white snow. She screamed, perhaps eternally, but more likely for only a few seconds. I am as pure as a naïve virgin. Her brain was nothing but fairy tales and unicorns, ideas created for those naïve virgins she so related to. I am as pure as fresh water from the mountain. She flowed between the states of bliss and the other kind of nirvana she was more acquainted with.

Elle thrust one final time, her face landing in the pillow and screaming louder than Arianna ever could. As that muffled tone shattered any illusion that Arianna was alone in her epiphany, she rubbed her hand against Elle’s back, reassuring her that they were both experiencing this moment together.

The only thing ruining the afterglow of their midnight lovemaking was the dull buzzing of the vibrator still refusing to give up. At that point, Arianna was completely immune to its provocations.

So was Elle, who shut it off and flopped along the width of the bed.

Arianna pushed herself up. She’s exquisite. Elle was as sweaty as Arianna, her dark hair matted with sweat and curling against her lip. Her hard nipples reminded Arianna that arousal did not immediately fade away, not even after an intense orgasm like that.

“What are you doing?” Elle asked when Arianna turned over. “You can’t be serious.”

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