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"Oh, constantly, but then something would happen that would make us all reconsider. He had this ring I saw once with a real ruby verified by a jeweler."

Tyler swallowed the last of his beer. "So, he brought his treasures home."

I shook my head. "Not usually. That's the thing. He told us we should leave things where they belonged—in their natural habitats or with their rightful owners. I think Great-Uncle Ian was more like a catch-and-release fisherman."

As he nodded, I concentrated on the thoughtful expression on Tyler's face. "A man of adventure and integrity. Those are rare."

"Well, my great-uncle was unique."

"And he ended up right here in Blue Harbor."

I swirled the last of my wine in my glass. "Yes, and why do you think he did that? He never told us why. I always thought he might have seen it as a hideout where nobody would ever find him."

Tyler folded his hands into his lap. "I don't know. Blue Harbor does have a rich history. It was a key Great Lakes shipping hub in the 19th century. Ships from all over the world visited. There are stories about pirates and their buried treasures…"

"Pirates?" I raised an eyebrow. "You aren't kidding about that?"

"Not kidding. There are at least a dozen verified shipwrecks right here by Blue Harbor. I suspect there are many more that haven't been discovered yet."

My attraction to Tyler grew as the candles burned lower, and we savored our meals. It was something more than friendly. The sound of his laughter and the electric sensation when we both reached for the salt shaker and our hands brushed raised goosebumps on my forearms. I thought he felt something, too, but I couldn't be sure. I'd been wrong in the past.

When he suggested an after-dinner walk down to the park along the lakeshore, I jumped at the opportunity to spend even more time together. When we left the restaurant, the cool evening air of the lake invigorated me. It carried the scent of fresh water with a hint of pine.

The gentle sound of waves lapping against the sand pulled me in. Blue Harbor was casting a spell over me.

While I walked beside Tyler, I stole glances at his profile. He opted for a clean-shaven look, but by evening, he already had visible stubble that added to his rugged charm.

My emotions began to battle inside me with every step we took. The logical side of me said to be content with a developing friendship. After all, I was only a temporary visitor to Blue Harbor, and stirring something up might lead to heartbreak later.

But my heart had other ideas. As we stood facing the dark, inky waters of Lake Michigan and Tyler told me about Blue Harbor's founders, I rehearsed different ways of sharing my emotions inside my head. Should I be straightforward and tell him exactly how I felt? Or should I drop big hints and see whether he picked up on any of them?

"Tyler," I began, plunging forward. The confession simmered on my lips.

He turned to face me with a warm, friendly expression. "Yeah?"

"I…" My words faltered as I looked into his eyes, glimmering with the reflected light from a street lamp. The carefully rehearsed speech suddenly evaporated like a morning mist.

"You okay, Ronan?"

"Yeah, just… thinking."

Before Tyler could say more, my phone rang in my pocket. I tugged it out and glanced at the screen. It was coming from an unknown number with a Blue Harbor area code.

I sighed. "Sorry, I should probably take this. It's a local call, so it could be the hotel… or something."

Tyler nodded and turned his attention back to the lake and the gently bobbing boats to the north near the marina.

My fingers trembled as I answered the call. "Hello?"

"Is this Ronan Gallagher?" The voice was gruff and gravelly.

"Yes, who's calling?"

"Name's Gus." His voice was hesitant, stumbling over his words as he spoke. "Listen, I was an associate of your great-uncle Ian. I've got information for you… about him and what you're in town looking for."

My mouth suddenly felt like dry cotton. I struggled to speak. "W… what kind of information?"

"Can't share more over the phone. Meet me in person. Let's do it tonight. It's important."

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