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I thought about how Tyler looked at me, his jade green eyes sparkling. "I wish I could put into appropriate words how awesome he is. I've never laughed so much around someone, and he challenges me to look at the world through different lenses. I think he's the first person outside of you and Dad who sees me for who I really am. I don't think he's after any of my money either. Most of the time he ignores that side of me."

"You've got it bad, little brother. I'm a little envious. If what you say is accurate, it sounds like he's just as smitten with you."

"Who would think a clumsy parade connection would lead to this? Sometimes, I think we were destined to find each other."

Siobhan cooed. "Aww, listen to you getting all sappy and romantic. Who are you and what have you done with my pragmatic, logical little brother?"

"Yeah, there's that, too." I walked to the window and looked out. "He brings out an entirely different side of me that I didn't know existed."

"I, for one, like this side of you." I heard the sincerity in Siobhan's voice. "It's a truly happy version of you, and I've always wanted that for you."

My sister's unwavering support touched me. "Thank you. I can't tell you how much that means to me."

"Well, what are big sisters for if not to tease you mercilessly and then offer unconditional support."

"Yep, that's precisely what I thought your role was in my life, that and stealing my Halloween candy out of my bedroom."

Her voice was warm and comforting. "Hey, I was only looking out for your dental health. Getting back to the reason for your call, I think staying there in Blue Harbor for at least a few more weeks is the right move. You've focused on your work for years now. It's time for you to step back and look at yourself and what you need out of life."

I sighed as the weight of my responsibilities back in California entered my mind. "But what about the company? Is it fair to abandon everything I've built?"

She had probing questions to ask. "Is that how you see it? The last time we talked, you told me you've built a team of people and machines that can run it without you around. Do you really need to leave the company if you stay in Blue Harbor? Put your mind to that question, and I'm sure you can figure out some top-notch answers for the company."

I sighed. "It's not easy."

"I've got news for you. Life isn't easy, but it can come with amazing rewards. Why don't you consider asking for a buyout? Or you can start working remotely like so many people after the pandemic. Take an occasional trip to the Bay Area and bring Tyler with you. Are you going to reimburse me for all of these ideas?"

I laughed. She did get the wheels in my head turning. "Buyout… hmm, that could give me the freedom to throw myself into the relationship with Tyler while I ensure the company is in good hands."

I nodded, the gears in my mind turning. "You're right. I have been considering a buyout. It would give me the freedom to pursue this thing with Tyler while still ensuring the company is in good hands. You know, one of the biggest things I think I've figured out is that I've always liked the adventure of building the company more than the tech challenges themselves. Who knew I had the heart of an explorer?"

"I think Great-Uncle Ian did."

I sighed. "Yes, that's probably what he wanted to tell me. You know, these past few years I've been so focused on making the company a success that I never really stopped to think about what I wanted for myself."

Siobhan's voice softened. "And what do you want?"

"Adventure. I want to explore and discover new things, and I want to do it with Tyler at my side."

"There you go. I'd say that's your internal treasure map. Chase adventure, little brother. Embrace the unknown, and make yourself truly happy for the first time."

Unshed tears pricked at the corners of my eyes. "Thank you. What would I do without you?"

"You'd probably hide yourself in a fancy high-rise apartment, working yourself to the bone twenty-four hours a day, forgetting to eat and sleep."

I sighed. "Damn, you know me. You're probably right."

Just then, my phone buzzed with an incoming call. I glanced at the screen and saw that it was from Neil. "I should probably take this, but I want you to know that I love you, big sis."

"And I love you, too. Follow your heart, and everything else will fall into place. Go get your man."

I took a deep breath, bracing myself for the conversation ahead. "Hey, Neil. What's up?"

"What's up? What's up is that you're still in Blue Harbor, and we need you back here, ASAP," The frustration was obvious from the tone of his voice. "We're falling behind schedule on one of the projects, and the team is starting to flounder without your leadership."

I pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling a headache coming on. "I understand the project is important, but I have faith in the team's ability to handle it. That's why I hired them, after all. You know they can do fabulous work when they set their minds to it."

"That's not the point," Neil argued. "You're our visionary, the driving force behind everything we do. You can't be replaced by a run-of-the-mill coder."

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