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He dragged his fingertip from the sketch of Great-Uncle Ian's house to the cove. "Okay, I know it feels like we've done this a hundred times already, but let's go over this again. We know that the cove we found near Whispering Bluffs is important, but we don't know why. What did we overlook?"

I nodded, while my eyes followed the path of his finger. "Right. And then there's the lighthouse beacon on the house that keeps pointing toward the cove. We also know that Great-Uncle Ian thought the beacon was tremendously important. Maggie told us that.

Tyler leaned back in his chair, his brow furrowed in thought. "Is it possible that we're looking at all of this a little too literally. Maybe the cove isn't a specific key. Maybe it's just a kind of pointer toward the solution."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What do you mean?"

"Well, think about it. Ian was always talking in riddles and often pulling out grand statements that were just a little vague around the edges. What if we need to pay a closer attention to his impression of things?

"What we in the tech business would call soft elements." The idea lit a spark of excitement in my chest. "It's like a cosmic trail of breadcrumbs, but I'm not sure thinking this way gets us any closer to our ultimate destination."

Tyler nodded, his eyes blazing with intensity. "Yep. Maybe we should take a couple of steps back and look at the big picture, the forest instead of the trees."

I sighed, rubbing my temples as I felt the weight of the world pressing down on my shoulders. The search for Great-Uncle Ian's secrets, combined with the mounting pressure from work, was taking its toll. I felt like teams of horses were pulling me in a thousand different directions, stretching my mind and heart to the breaking point.

"I think we should take a breather. The words tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop them. "How about a minor change of scenery to clear our heads."

Tyler looked up at me, surprise etched on his face. "A break? But we're so close, Ronan. Do you really want to stop now."

Exhaustion seeped into my bones. "I'm not saying we should stop. Not at all. It's just that the pace is getting to me, and it feels like we're starting to go in circles. I think I need to put together a fresh perspective and find a new angle."

Tyler's brow furrowed, his eyes searching mine. "What did you have in mind?"

I took a deep breath. It was an idea that took shape in my mind as I spoke. "Why don't we do a moonlit picnic down by the marina. The concierge here said there's a beautiful little park down there, and it can be just you and me. We'll have the stars overhead and the sound of the waves lapping at the shore. It will be an opportunity to reconnect and remind ourselves of what's most important."

Tyler smiled. "What a great idea. I think I know the park they're talking about, too. It's just past the old fishing pier with a few picnic tables and a little beach."

With it obvious that Tyler liked the idea, the tension in my shoulders started to ease. "I can't wait to see it, but first, I do have to talk to my team out in California."

Tyler nodded slowly. "Okay, I get it. You need to do what you need to do, and I'll be here, waiting for you, when you're finished."

A wave of gratitude and relief calmed me. "Thank you for understanding and being so patient with me. I know it can't be easy to be with someone who gets pulled in a million different directions at once."

Tyler grinned. "I think I had an idea what I was getting into when I signed up for this. You're the dashing billionaire, always in demand, always on the go. That impressive energy is part of your charm."

"I guess that's looking on the bright side, and you're the small-town hero, always there to keep me grounded."

Tyler reached out to cup my cheek in his hand. "You can't fly high all the time. Just ask Icarus."

I leaned into his touch and felt the warmth of his fingers against my cheek. "Don't worry. I'll figure out the balance. This thing we've found, this connection runs deeper than anything I've ever known. I won't forget that."

Tyler's eyes shined. "Then let's make a plan. You take the day to deal with work and get everything sorted out. Tomorrow, we'll have our picnic, under the stars, just you and me. We'll reconnect, recharge, and come back to the search with fresh eyes and open hearts. Maybe with that break and some time to think, we can look at all the clues in a different way."

"A perfect plan. I promise I'll make it memorable. We'll have the most romantic, most magical picnic that Blue Harbor has ever seen."

After Tyler left, I picked up my phone and placed a call. As the phone on the other end rang, I braced myself for the conversation ahead.

"Ronan, at last." I put the phone on speaker and listened to the voice of Neil, a team leader from out in San Francisco. "We've been trying to reach you for hours."

I sighed and sat on the bed in my hotel room. "I know, Neil. I'm sorry. Things have been... complicated here. I've got a few balls in the air that I'm trying to juggle."

"Complicated?" Neil's tone was sharp, accusing. "We're drowning here. A client is threatening to walk and take their business elsewhere. We need you back in San Francisco, now. It would have been even better if you were here yesterday."

I closed my eyes, feeling the weight of my responsibilities pressing down on me like an elephant standing on my chest. "I understand, and I'm not ignoring the situation. Remember, it's my personal reputation at stake. Do you think I'd play games with that? Still, I need more time here, just a little bit longer."

"More time?" Neil scoffed. "Are you sure you understand? We're talking about the biggest contract we've ever landed. If we lose this client, it could be the end of everything we've worked for, everything we've built. Word will spread fast about our failure. I have no doubts about that."

I took a deep breath, desperately trying to steady my nerves. "I know what's at stake. I was here at the very beginning, but this... what I'm doing here in Blue Harbor, is important to me. It's personal, and that's all I need to say in explanation."

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