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Before I could confess my thoughts, Ronan changed the subject. "Meeting you and experiencing all this has made me understand something."

I took a deep breath. "What's that?"

"It's the vacation thing. Like I said, I've been so narrowly focused on my work, building the company, and chasing financial success that I have yet to take any time to slow down and appreciate the world around me. It's like I've got roses all around, and I haven't stopped to smell any of them. I'm seeing things in a new light here in Blue Harbor."

I nodded. "Baseball is like that for me. It's been the center of my life, almost my entire life, for as long as I can remember. I mean, history has been there, too, but my heart picked a priority, and baseball was it. I've based every decision I've made on how it might impact my playing career and now my ability to coach. Being at your side on this adventure is different. Maybe there's more out there for me."

As we neared the Grand Harbor Hotel, I heard distant laughter and clinking glasses from the rooftop bar. The hotel was impressive, a landmark in downtown. Its white clapboard exterior and wide, welcoming porch were a significant part of Blue Harbor's history and present appeal.

We reached my car parked along the curb, and I kicked at the sidewalk with my toe, trying to figure out what I should say. "I guess I'll see you around? And let me know what's in that envelope."

Ronan nodded. "Yeah, I'll let you know. And… thank you for being here. I appreciate the support."

I swallowed hard. "Anytime. That's what friends are for, right?"

He smiled broadly. "Right. Friends."

Friends. The word rattled around in my brain as Ronan disappeared into the hotel. Was that all we'd ever be? A pang of disappointment rolled over me, but I pushed it aside. This was the beginning of a grand adventure, and there was surely more to come.


The following morning, I stumbled into The Crafted Crumb, my friend Rafe's bakery. The business was a labor of love, quickly becoming a downtown landmark. It was a required stop for many tourists visiting Blue Harbor.

I'd barely slept—too busy rolling my thoughts about Ronan over and over in my head as I stared at the dark ceiling. When I was sure Rafe would be at the bakery working to get it ready to open for the day, I hauled myself out of bed.

The comforting scents of freshly baked bread, cinnamon, and coffee swirled around me, like a welcoming hug. Rafe's fiancé, Theo, sat by the window, leafing through the local newspaper.

He looked up. "You look like hell." He pushed a steaming mug of coffee toward me. "Late night out? Did you meet somebody?"

I sat opposite him, wrapping my hands around the mug to absorb the comforting heat. "I guess I did, in a way. I had dinner with Ronan, and we met this guy, Gus. He said he had some info about that crazy great-uncle."

Theo leaned forward and touched my forearm. "Yeah? Do tell."

Before I could begin my story, Rafe swept out of the kitchen, carrying a tray of freshly baked pastries. "Morning, sunshine," he declared, setting a plate piled high with flaky, buttery croissants between us. "It looks like you could use a little pick-me-up."

I sighed happily when I bit into one of the croissants and savored the buttery dough as it melted on my tongue. "Rafe, you're incredible. Just what I needed."

He grinned and wiped his flour-dusted hands on his apron. "Always trying to do my best. Now, what's this about a new mystery man named Gus?"

I shared all the details of the evening before—from the cryptic phone call to the envelope—except for my questions about my connection with Ronan. I didn't know whether I could talk about that.

Theo leaned back in his chair. "So, this guy showed up out of the blue with a sealed envelope that had to be at least fifty years old and might contain information about a hidden treasure. It sounds almost like Indiana Jones territory."

"It was pretty surreal—no doubt about that. Ronan won't stop until he discovers what his late great-uncle wants him to know. It has me curious, too."

Rafe raised an eyebrow. "Something about him has pulled you off your usual track. Since I met you, you've been so focused on baseball. I never heard about you jumping into a wild adventure."

I looked down at my coffee. "I don't know. Maybe that's part of it. It's something different and exciting, and maybe it's time to open myself up a little more, and Ronan, well… he's different."

Theo and Rafe exchanged a glance.

I looked up and growled under my breath. "Damn, I can't keep anything from the two of you, can I?"

Theo spoke softly. "What are you saying?"

The feelings all bubbled up and started to flow like a small volcano. "I'm saying I don't know what's happening inside me. I've never felt this way about a guy before. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure I've felt this way about anybody."

Rafe set the tray on a nearby table and pulled up a chair beside Theo. "Feelings are feelings. They don't always make sense, and that's okay."

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