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Chapter one


The private charter jet's engine drone softened as we descended into Blue Harbor's municipal airport, the landscape below transitioning from endless forests to a quaint Lake Michigan shoreline town. I pushed my head back against the black leather seat, fingers drumming a restless beat on the armrest. The plane's flaps extended with a subtle mechanical whir, preparing us for landing.

The pilot's warm, reassuring voice crackled on the intercom. "Mr. Gallagher, we'll land in Blue Harbor in approximately ten minutes."

I pressed the button to answer. "Thanks, Captain. Ever spent any time here in Blue Harbor?"

"Never had the pleasure, only been in and out of the airport. I hear it's a charming place with lots of history and character."

History and character? Was that another way of saying quirky and behind the times? I leaned back, closing my eyes but keeping the intercom open. "My great-uncle used to tell me stories about the town. Sounded like a place right out of a Norman Rockwell painting. You know, where everybody knows your real name and your embarrassing childhood nicknames."

The pilot chuckled. "I bet it'd be a good place to lay low, away from the rat race."

"Yeah, you're probably right. I'll have to consider that once I get my family issues sorted out." I scratched my nose, a habitual gesture whenever nerves crept in.

As we neared the runway, the pine forests on the outskirts of Blue Harbor loomed larger. Memories of my great-uncle Ian flooded back. His stories of exotic locations and the hidden treasures he found there had always captivated me. He was always a man full of infectious enthusiasm.

Once, he went on about the lost city of Atlantis while staring at a fake ruined castle in his fish aquarium. His eyes always twinkled with mischief. Now, I was arriving in a small Midwestern town to chase after the pieces of his last puzzle.

The landing was smooth, and excitement rose inside me as I walked across the tarmac. It came with a hint of trepidation, too. I didn't want to end up like the German billionaire who disappeared in the Alps. Pushing aside dark thoughts, I located the sleek, black electric vehicle I'd purchased for the trip.

I ran my fingers over its dust-free exterior, admiring the state-of-the-art design. Cutting-edge technology has always fascinated me, and I prided myself on reducing my carbon footprint. The car had more gadgets than James Bond's Aston Martin, minus the ejector seat.

A concern tugged at my thoughts while I loaded my luggage into the trunk. I spotted an older gentleman in a blue uniform. "Excuse me, sir. Are there any charging stations for electric vehicles in Blue Harbor?"

His tone was warm and laced with amusement. "Not sure, but the KwikStop by the highway and the station downtown might have them. We don't see many fancy electric cars around here."

A hint of self-consciousness crept into my voice. "Suppose that's to be expected. I'll stand out more than I hoped."

The man clapped me on the shoulder. "No worries, son. People around here might be curious, but we're friendly. Be yourself, and we'll welcome you no matter what car you drive."

I slid into the driver's seat and immediately retrieved Great-Uncle Ian's letter from my messenger bag. Tracing his familiar handwriting, I read it again.

My dearest Ronan,

I've left you something of great importance in Blue Harbor. Trust no one, and follow the clues carefully. Your journey begins at Blue Harbor Community Bank downtown on Main Street. A safe deposit box is there, and my attorney has sent you the key.

I stared at the words, my stomach twisting into a knot. It had been less than a month since he passed away, and I still found it hard to think about a world that didn't include him. He'd always been the family caretaker of our wildest dreams and adventures.

The last time I saw him, he told me his latest tales. One of those involved meeting the king of Bhutan. He added personal nuggets of wisdom to the stories. "Never forget life's most valuable treasures are those you discover inside yourself. Always trust your instincts, even when the path ahead is scary and unexpected."

Guiding the car onto the unfamiliar streets of Blue Harbor, I marveled at the town's charm. Tree-lined streets provided the perfect setting for grand Victorian homes. As I neared downtown, quaint storefronts took over, their windows full of colorful displays. It was like stepping into a Hallmark movie, minus the cheesy plots and predictable boyfriends—so far.

Soon, the car's GPS indicated I was only blocks away from the bank. The energy around me was surprising as I looked out the car windows. Crowds thronged on the sidewalks, and expectant faces lined the streets. I rolled my window down and inhaled the distinctive scents of popcorn and grilled hot dogs.

Something extraordinary was happening. It wasn't a welcome for me; they had no advance warning of my arrival. I chuckled softly at having the hubris to suggest Blue Harbor might lay down a red carpet for my visit.

Brightly colored banners tied around lampposts heightened my curiosity, but I reminded myself of my mission—Great-Uncle Ian's safe deposit box. I wasn't on a tourist trip.

Scanning the storefronts as I crept through the traffic, I searched for the bank mentioned in the cryptic note. Finally, when I turned a corner at the town square, I spotted it. Fronted by stately columns, Blue Harbor Community Bank stood out.

My next challenge was finding a parking spot. I drove around the block twice before I saw a narrow, empty slot between a red SUV and a bright blue pickup truck. Whispering "Yes" under my breath, I maneuvered into the space and smiled.

While I strolled across the street, it was impossible to avoid immersing myself in the town's excitement. Laughter and lively chatter filled the air. For a moment, I wondered what it would be like to grow up in such a close-knit small town.

While I climbed the bank's front steps, my thoughts raced with speculation about what lay ahead. After brushing one hand down my suit jacket to smooth the wrinkles, I pushed open the heavy wooden doors.

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