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Cole runs his tongue over his teeth and levels me with his gaze. "You're being shortsighted, River. You asked this company for a pitch. They returned with the closest blueprints to what you want. They returned under the budget that you set. And they can finish it months ahead of schedule. If you have to work with one asshole to get all of those things... I think you'd be crazy to refuse."

"I don't trust Bishop not to talk out of school about my plans for the Jackson land. It’s not Pearl that I’m worried about finding out. Pearl is already on board. It’s everyone else. Once word of this kind of earning opportunity leaks, we will be inundated with a million different companies and sales people. Everyone is looking out for themselves."

I narrow my eyes and cross my arms. That was some creative license I took with the truth. But I think I pulled it off.

He frowns. "You had them sign a non-disclosure agreement when they walked in here, didn't you?"

He has a point. "Yeah, but..."

Cole glares at me. "You have a multi-million-dollar project that you are letting be jeopardized by a personal beef. You wanted my advice? Here it is. Grow the fuck up and sign this deal."

I cough, mostly to cover my wince. Cole is a thousand percent right. I slowly let out a long sigh. "I guess you're right."

"Damn straight." Cole pushes himself up. "Now go shake Carson’s hand."

I amble out to the waiting room of my office, pursing my lips. "As long as you can guarantee good behavior on your side of the table, you have a deal.” I tell the waiting crew, “Let's sign a contract."

Signing the papers takes only a minute. This isn't the full contract, which will come later after our mutual lawyers haggle over all the details. I sign the letter of engagement, standard in our area and expertise.

Carson grins and offers me a handshake. "We're going to make a lot of money on this. You'll be glad once the project is complete."

I don't know about that but I shake hands with him anyway. "Thanks for coming in," I manage.

Cole and I walk the three men outside on the main strip of downtown Cape Simon. It's nice enough, the sky blue and with not a cloud to be seen. Dale and Carson climb into their SUV and leave.

Bishop watches them go, hands clasped behind his back. The second they are gone, his eyes roll to me. "I saw on CapeSimonAroundTown that you have asked Pearl to marry you."

I slowly nod. "Yep."

"I think that's a mistake," Bishop says, like he's giving me a tip I should be grateful for or something. “I’m trying to save you some heartache.”

My fists bunch up at my sides. Cole steps in front of me, putting his hand up to stop me from firing back the insult that's on the tip of my tongue.

"I think we should lay some ground rules. No personal talk. No mention of Pearl. And you should leave as soon as your work is done every day. There's no reason to hang around,” my brother says.

"No, let him run his mouth about my fiancée. See where that gets him," I growl.

Bishop tenses. I start pushing up my sleeves.

"I'm glad Pearl dumped you. She deserves so much better than you, Bishop."

Cole points a finger at me. "Go inside, River. And you," he points at Bishop. "Get lost."

Pearl comes from across the street, choosing exactly the wrong moment to walk up to us. Shit, I completely forgot that I said we’d have lunch together after her shift.

She looks at Bishop, then at me, her eyes widening. Cole makes a move toward Bishop, and the other man backs away, glaring at Pearl and me.

I gather Pearl under my arm, and steer us both into the office, shouting at Cole not to wait for me. As soon as we step inside, she hugs me. "What was that all about?"

I exhale a breath I didn't know I was holding, and wrap my arms around her. Closing my eyes, I kiss the crown of her head. "Nothing, Pearl. It was just Bishop blowing a bunch of hot air up my ass. The construction company he works for is bidding on one of my projects, that's all."

She peers up at me, smoothing my hair back from my forehead. "Are you okay?"

Her sweet question is like an arrow shot right through my heart. I just want to reassure her. How I do that without lying my ass off, I'm not entirely certain. "Now that you're here, I'm a little bit better." I toy with a stand of her hair. "And hey, he said that he saw us on CSAT. So we must be fooling someone."

"Right." Her mouth twists to the side. "We're just playacting."

"We're not faking everything." I pull her against me and press my hips into hers. My cock stirs, and desire blooms between us.

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