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"Then what are you waiting for?" I challenge, tilting my chin up. My lips are a hair's breadth from his. "Taste me, River. All of me."

The grin that spreads across his face is devilish, promising a pleasure that's both torturous and sublime.

I'm fully in his world now, the one where every breath is a silent plea for more. River's gaze locks onto mine, dark and commanding—a look that speaks of raw possession. My heart races, my body aching for his touch.

I'm on fire, every nerve in my body screaming for River's touch. I barely register the shift as he turns me over, positioning me onto my knees. My breath catches. The cool air of the room contrasts sharply with my heated skin.

The feeling of exposure sends an electric thrill through me. He spreads my knees wide.

I'm acutely aware of how vulnerable I am, displayed for him like a feast. He stands, leans over my body, and draws both my hands up to the edge of the bed.

"Keep your hands together," River's voice is low, commanding. It's a delicious tone that promises untold pleasures. "If you move them, I'll stop touching you."

His words are a velvet threat that wraps around my consciousness, binding me to his will.

The anticipation is a tangible thing, coiling inside me. I nod in agreement. My heart beats wildly as my hands lie where he put them, obediently minding his words.

I want this. The heady mix of excitement and surrender is the best drug I’ve ever had. I can almost taste the control he has over me right now. And it's intoxicating.

His fingers trace a line. It’s light and teasing, heading down my spine, sending shivers skittering across my skin. He finds the warmth between my legs, circling my clit. My eyes sink closed. I can't help but push back against his fingers, craving more.

But the moment I do, the tantalizing pressure vanishes.

“That’s not what we talked about, darlin. You promised to stay still.”

"River, please," I beg, the words spilling out of me without thought. I need his touch like I need air. The ache for release growing stronger with each second he denies me.

"Patience, Pearl," he chuckles softly.

There's a hint of something darker in his amusement.Then, slowly, oh so torturously slowly, his fingers return. They slide over the slick folds of my pussy. A moan escapes my lips as he circles my clit with practiced precision, drawing out the pleasure until it's all I can think about.

"You're so hot, Pearl. So tight and wet," he murmurs. The raw approval in his voice is another kind of caress. “I can see how excited you are. Your pussy is dripping with honey.”

"River," I gasp. I swear, trying to keep still under his masterful touch, I know that any movement might rob me of this ecstasy. His fingers move faster. I'm lost to the sensation, to the quick circles that promise a world of pleasure just within reach. "Don't stop.”

"Wouldn't dream of it," he replies, as casually as you please.

The heat of River's breath fans over the curves of my backside before his tongue sweeps a bold path across my sensitized skin. I tremble, fighting the urge to rock back against the tantalizing caress that promises so much more. His hands grip my hips, steadying me as he explores my pussy with his tongue. He flicks it inside my pussy and I make a strangled sound.

Then he glides his tongue over my clit. My nails dig into the mattress. Surely, this is torture.

"River, please," I whimper.

He increases the speed, then slows it. My pleasure mounts to an unbearable pitch. He stops.

"Stay still, Pearl," he commands. “Be a good girl.”

His voice is a dark caress against the charged silence of the room. But the next flick of his tongue against my throbbing clit sends a spasm through my body. I jolt forward involuntarily.

Instantly, the divine pressure of his mouth is gone, leaving me bereft. Tears prick the corners of my eyes

"No movement," he reminds me. I can hear the smile in his voice. It's a game to him, this push and pull. I nod frantically. I’m desperate for him to continue.

"Good girl," he murmurs, before sliding two fingers inside my pussy, slick with my own arousal. They move in a rhythm that leaves me panting, while his other hand trails up to tease the puckered entrance of my ass. The sensation is both foreign and intoxicating.

"River!" I cry out, as he presses a wet finger against that untried boundary, circling gently. He sucks hard on my clit then. The world narrows down to the overwhelming burst of pleasure that racks my body. My orgasm crashes over me like a wave. It’s fierce and almost painful in its intensity.

"Beautiful," he breathes.

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