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A tinkling laugh bubbles up beside me. I turn to see Savannah, her eyes dancing with glee.

"Girl, you're not fooling anyone." She nudges me with her elbow.

"What do you mean?" I go for innocence.

“Sorry. Wedding planning is going to be the death of me.” Savannah sneaks a glance at me. "I meant to ask you about something. What on earth is going on with you and Cole’s brother?”

“River? Nothing. We both just needed some air.”

Sav looks down her nose at me, pinning me. “Those little glances back and forth between you two? That's some major flirtation happening."

Her giggle fills the space between us. It’s light and carefree, like Savannah herself. With her blonde hair and bubbly personality, I’ve often said that Sav is sunshine personified.

"Flirtation? Please." I roll my eyes even as I fight down the flutter in my belly. "We were just being delinquents. Besides, he’s a man, isn’t he? All men are a flimsy, two-dimensional sham.” I hold up a hand to stop her before she can argue. “Except Cole. He’s perfect. But River? He’s only interested in hooking up with me."

Her expression softens, a sisterly concern seeping through her festive facade. "Pearl, you've got to stop thinking like that. You're amazing. Any guy would be lucky to have you."

“Saaaaaaavvvvv.” I pretend to stomp my feet. “You are way nicer than any boy I’ve ever met. Are you sure you won’t leave Cole and run away with me to be my platonic wifey? I’ll treat you real good.” I wink at her.

"Please." Savannah laughs and rolls her eyes so hard I'm surprised they don't get stuck. "You could have any guy here eating out of your hand. Besides, I really love Cole. He’s the one for me, Pearl."

Nudging her shoulder with mine, I nod. “I get it. You two look like the dictionary definition of marital bliss. Like when I look up ‘happily engaged,’ I see a photo of you and Cole. It’s gross.”

“The point I’m trying to make is that maybe you should get gross with someone new. Not necessarily one of Cole’s brothers, mind you. But—” She turns her head and looks over to catch River gazing at us. As soon as Savannah catches him, he turns away. She turns back to me and wiggles her eyebrows. “River seems primed for action.”

"Hardly." A laugh bubbles up, bitter and sharp. "I'm just a diner waitress, Sav. There's no way I could actually catch the attention of one of the Billion Dollar Bennetts. I know that you come from humble beginnings too, but you’re all sunshine and warmth. Whereas I’m just… me.”

“That’s ridiculous. You’re a diamond, shining in a world of dumb, dirty rocks.”

She’s so sweet that I want to pinch her.

“Stop it. Besides, even if I could grab the attention of one of the Bennetts, why would I want to? You know I don’t date anymore."

She plants her hands on her hips, the universal sign that I've just said something particularly stupid. "You're crazy, Pearl. The Bennetts might be rolling in dough, but they are good people. Trust me." Her voice softens. "And after the nightmare with he-who-shall-not-be-named, you deserve someone who treats you right."

I look at her flatly. “I have a useless fine arts degree, and twenty-nine hundred dollars shoved in a shoe box under my bed. I’m pretty sure that, with student loans, I’m worth a negative number of dollars. The Bennetts might as well be royalty compared to me.”

"You are gorgeous and smart and extremely funny," she insists. Her hands are planted firmly on her hips. "Money isn’t everything. You're selling yourself short."

"Easy for you to say. You're marrying Cole Bennett," I counter with a sigh. "I'm just...” I get exhausted before finishing my sentence. “Me."

"Exactly!” she proclaims. “That’s what I’m saying! You're you. You are wonderful. That's more than enough."

Savannah's voice is firm. Her belief in me is so pure. It's both comforting and frustrating how she refuses to see the world through my jaded eyes.

“River's a man.” I shoot a scowl over my shoulder at him. “He’s a flirt. He will run off and disappear the second that I start to actually look his way. After Bishop, I don't want to try to find anyone. Being with nobody is better than being heartbroken."

"Love will surprise you," she says softly, squeezing my arm. "It'll happen when you least expect it."

"Right now, all I expect is to survive this party without spilling anything on this dress."

Before Savannah can respond, someone calls her name again. Probably a distant cousin or another friend she's managed to charm without even trying. She gives me yet another apologetic look before she’s once more whisked away into the sea of guests. I take a deep breath.

For a second, I enjoy the rare spot of solitude amidst the boisterousness of the engagement party.The wine has indeed been flowing and the crowd seems on the brink of becoming rowdy. Checking my watch, I note that it’s already seven.

I have to work early tomorrow. So, if I’m smart, I’ll leave before too long.

"Excuse me?" A hesitant voice pulls my head up. A young woman, barely out of her teens by the looks of it, cradles a bundle in her arms. She's a vision of new motherhood with red hair, tired eyes, and a hopeful smile.

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