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A flicker of some emotion passes over Pearl’s face, there and gone before I can even name it. But I think it might have been disappointment.

I feel a hollow pang in my stomach. She's right to feel disappointed in me. More right than she realizes. But of course, she has no idea that the real estate venture I want to invest in is her family’s property.

Guilt fills the hollow pit of my stomach. Her face is so expressive; I know the exact face she’s going to make when she realizes what I’ve done. And it’s not one I want to see from her.

Deftly pushing that aside in my head, I steer the conversation neatly away from that topic. "Right. My mom is asking if you have any dietary needs. She's probably planning a big celebration."

“None that I can think of." She sighs. "My family will probably throw us a barbecue." She goes quiet, looking off as though lost in thought.

My tone is reassuring. "My mom will invite your family to whatever she decides on. Don't worry about that."

Pearl's brow furrows. "I'm not worried exactly. I just feel bad. I didn't realize that you were going to propose so publicly. I thought... I thought that I could keep my family out of this. Now my family is deeply involved. It's gonna be a whole thing when we break up."

"What do you mean?" I slow the boat down a little, looking at the shoreline. We're almost there.

"My family is not going to take you leaving very well. Even if I say it's my decision, they're probably going to ice you out."

I look at her, confused. "What does that mean?"

"My cousin Ashley broke up with her fiancé a couple of years ago. My aunt Glory denied him a permit when he applied for a liquor license in downtown South Shore. My mom told everybody with ears what a bad guy he was. Aunt Delta put a hex on him." She shivers. "He got so fed up with the badmouthing that he moved to Savannah."

I snort. "Don't worry about that with me. I’m unhexable. I'll be okay."

She makes a noncommittal little ‘hmm’ and looks away. I feel another pang. Our engagement was perfect from my standpoint. But I guess I didn't really take Pearl's feelings into consideration. "I'm sorry," I say at last. "I guess I didn't think it through."

Pearl shrugs a shoulder. "What's done is done."

I slow the boat down further, drifting closer to shore before cutting the engine completely. All the while, I'm kicking myself. Also wondering what other things Pearl might not be thrilled about, but won’t complain about.

I drop anchor and stand up. Now that we're not moving, the boat is very much at the mercy of the rolling waves once more.

I offer her my hand. "Come on. Walk to the back of the boat with me. If you decide you hate it, we can head back."

She forces a small smile to her lips. "You're very chivalrous."

I bow to her. "My lady."

That earns me a laugh. I help her up and she clings to my arm as I walk her back toward the rear-facing stationary chairs. As soon as Pearl grabs onto the seat, she collapses into it. Her face has gone eerily bloodless again.

I stand right beside her, wordlessly supporting her. She breathes in and out a few times, gulping. Just when I'm about to throw in the towel and ask if she wants me to take her home, she waves me down. "I think I'm fine." She turns around and casts an angry glare at the deck. "As long as I'm not walking, I guess."

"Can you wait here while I fetch the rods?"

She nods quickly. "Yeah."

I practically race down to the cabin to fetch the rods. I’m feeling like a complete tool for not even bothering to ask her if she liked boats or got seasick. What kind of idiot plans a date on a boat and doesn’t think about an alternative just in case their date doesn’t like boats? I’m a fuckhead.

Shaking my head at myself, I grab the cooler, the tacklebox, and my knapsack. Armed with everything we need, I return to the end of the boat.

Pearl's color has returned. She offers me a weak smile. "I think... I think I can stand up and move around."

Before I can stop her, she pushes out of her seat. She doesn't walk anywhere, but stands in the same spot, swaying with the gentle movement of the boat. In her pink floral sundress and oversized straw hat, she looks like summer incarnate. She looks at me, pleased with herself. "I stood up!" She laughs. "That sounds incredibly stupid, doesn't it?"

Abandoning the rods, I move over to her, shaking my head. "It doesn't sound stupid.”

Her good attitude about my terrible date is amazing. She laughs again, throwing her head back. God, she is radiant. Not to mention sexy.

I want to kiss her. But she has only just found her feet. I don't want to interfere with anything. I jerk my head toward the fishing rods instead. "How about I set up our lines?"

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