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"Let us pray," she announces. She glares around the table, especially at Brooks, who’d stuffed half a slice of French bread in his mouth already. He swallows convulsively.

"Go ahead, Miss Delta," Sam calls. "Remind us why we need to give thanks."

Delta frowns around at the table. "Bless us, oh Lord, and these, Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty. Give us this day our daily bread. Deliver us from trespassing, as we may forgive those who trespass against us. May the Lord God almighty bless these two children, who have gathered us all here to discuss their engagement. Pearl and River, let the Lord shine his light through you both. Let you both practice abstinence and chastity until you are wed, as God commands. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost..." Delta draws the moment out, making me want to squirm. "Amen."

"Amen!" my mother calls. "That was the best blessing I've ever heard. Hear that, River?"

"It was definitely... good..." I mumble.

Pearl presses her lips together, her eyes full of mirth. I reach under the table and squeeze her thigh. She jumps at my touch and squeals. "River!" she protests.

I flash her a wide smile. "What?"

Pearl leans close and scolds me. "Behave."

"Not a chance in hell," I whisper back.

She's just taken a sip of water, but she spits it back into her glass. Her shoulders are shaking with laughter. "You're terrible," she accuses.

"And you are an angel, descended from heaven, made to walk among us mere mortals for eternity." I splay my hands. "But what are you gonna do?"

Pearl's grin is wide and genuine. "I couldn't possibly say."

At this exact moment, it's easy to forget that we are not a real couple. In fact, I struggle to recall my perfect career-minded female counterpart at all.

All I can see right now is Pearl. I drop a quick kiss to her shoulder, making her shiver. She's so damn responsive to my every touch.

It's even tougher to remember that this is temporary. She will go her own way, and I will go mine. There is nothing that will keep us together after the next few months.


I blink, breaking the reverie. I turn to find that Sam is talking to me.

"What's that?" I ask.

Sam spoons sauce onto his chicken from a nearby platter.

"I asked when Pearl was moving in with you. I assume that you two will do it sooner than later."

"Uhh..." I stammer. I look to Pearl, as if she has the answer I'm seeking. "I don't know."

Sam pauses, his fork in midair. "Is there some reason that you don't want to take that next step?"

I feel my face heat. "No. Pearl and I just haven't decided on the details. We've talked about it, obviously."

"Maybe they shouldn't move in together until they are a married couple," Delta says, her expression tart.

"No, no," I correct her. I don't want Delta to go into the religious speech that I feel is building up in her throat. "What do you think, Pearl?"

Pearl gives me a wide-eyed look. "I don't know, honey."

"I think y'all should go ahead and move in," my mom chips in. "Just to make sure that y'all don't drive each other crazy when you're married. You know, he leaves his socks on the floor, she spits toothpaste in the sink without rinsing it. Get the kinks worked out."

I tense. My mom's words immediately put a filthy image of me, naked as a jaybird, standing over a kneeling Pearl. She's wearing nothing but a white silk blindfold and a white silk binding on her wrists. I'm brandishing a fully erect cock and a cat-o-nine tails.

Kinky, indeed.

"Yes," Pearl blurts out. "Let's do it, baby. Let's move in together."

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