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"What, are you looking for another big project? I would think that you have plenty on your plate as it is." To Pearl, I say, "He's working on building the new training camp that's going in north of the Cape."

"And we're renovating downtown South Shore," Savannah adds. She smiles at Pearl. "You probably know this already, but the project is how Cole and I met last year."

"Right, of course. That makes more sense," Pearl says. "Are you in real estate law too?"

The group falls silent. Everyone exchanges glances. I realize that Pearl just messed up my job title a little. While I am technically a real estate lawyer, I am actually the CEO of our family real estate group.

"Pearl just likes calling me a lawyer," I cut in. I squeeze her waist. "Because she never hears the end of any argument. Sorry, darlin’."

Pearl's smile is forced. "It's true! He is always snapping back, just when I think I've won. It's infuriating."

"You love it," I add.

Pearl blushes. "I guess I do."

"River, don't you think that's a big liability in a relationship? I would hate to be part of one of those couples that always nitpick at each other." Cole looks a little too smug as he kisses the top of his fiancée’s head. "That's why I know that Sav and I are meant to be. It's always very harmonious around our house."

Pearl's expression hardens and she gives Cole a look.

"No offense to either of you. But Sav is your second fiancée, Cole. I think River is doing just fine without your advice."

Sav's face goes red and Cole grimaces.

"Sorry," he grits out. "I think I'm going to go check on Charlie. Sav, you want to come with?"

Sav nods and hurries after him. Brooks looks at Pearl with a chuckle. "Damn, Pearl. You didn't need to absolutely wreck him like that."

Pearl swallows and looks at me, seeking my validation. "Was that bad? I was just trying to get him to back off."

"You did fine, darlin’. I promise. Sometimes you gotta show the world that you have fangs. I bet Cole will think twice before crossing you again."

She presses her hand to her heart. "I hope he's not offended."

"Cole's easy to offend. But equally easy to forgive and forget. I wouldn't worry about it."

She pulls a face. "I will definitely wake up in the middle of the night, worried that Cole hates me."

Pulling her close, I drop a kiss on the crown of her head. "You do you."

The next few hours fly by. With Savannah stationed at her side, Pearl seems to relax just a bit. My mom and Charlie pull the girls into their little circle. For the most part, I just keep an eye on her from across the skybox. By the time we reach the sixth inning, she’s laughing and comfortable.

Good timing for what I have planned.

I slide over to Pearl and touch her waist. "Want to go down and see the field? We can while the teams have their seventh inning stretch."

Pearl arches a brow. "We won't be chased off?"

"The Bennett-Taylors do it almost every game." I turn to Mom. "Hey! Are you guys going down to see Rex?"

"I think we are staying put this time. But definitely take Pearl down and give her the red carpet treatment. It's nice to know people." She winks.

Brooks coughs into his hand and mumbles, "It's even nicer to be part of a family of billionaires."

I grin. "Let her believe whatever she wants."

Taking Pearl by the hand, I lead her out of the skybox and down the long, concrete hallway. Once we make a turn, we enter the throngs of fans queueing in the lines for food. Pearl lets out a big gust of breath, giving her body a shake.

"Ahh!" she says. "That was longer than I thought I'd have to act like your fiancée. It's kind of tough to be so friendly while I'm lying through my teeth."

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