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They join the drunk, noisy pack as they head to their usual corner of the diner and sink into two booths. River makes eye contact with me from across the room, a flirtatious smile on his face.

Oh boy. This isn’t my first time serving the Bennetts. Going by the last few times I’ve waited on them, I’m about to walk into a fat cash tip. I’m suddenly inordinately happy that I didn’t leave after all.

But these guys can also be a handful.

I gather up five menus and head over to hand them out. Brooks and River are in the closer booth. Sam, Rhett, and Walker are in the one by the window. I turn on my brightest smile while I take their drink orders. Water and coffee all around, except for Rhett. Rhett orders a green tea.

I go to fill them as quickly as I can. From my vantage spot by the soda machine, I catch River looking at me once again. He breaks into a broad grin, like he’s unashamed of being caught staring. This is different from how he acted before the UFO party. Like somehow, I am complicit. I gulp.

Is River a player? Because he’s putting the moves on me without even trying. He showed up unannounced to the GCUFOS viewing last night. Then he pretended to be my boyfriend and even kissed me in front of Bishop.

I bite my lips as I consider how this affects me. I want to know more about River, that’s for sure.

After dropping off their drinks, I take their food orders. I do Sam’s booth first. Two waffles, three orders of eggs, and five hashbrowns.

Then I nonchalantly sidle over to River’s table. I flip a page in my notepad and try to play it cool, but inside I’m as skittish as a possum caught by floodlights while on a stealthy midnight stroll. Resting my hip on the edge of their table, I lift my notepad. “What can I get you two?”

“It’s nice to see you again.” River’s blue eyes flash.

I’m not sure how to respond to that. I just flush and tuck my hair behind my ear.

“I’ll have three orders of hashbrowns, scattered, smothered, and covered. And can I get a cheeseburger with that?” Brooks asks, his eyes on his menu. He looks up. “Can I get a milkshake, too?”

My lips twitch. He’s clearly been drinking and his antics are that of a child’s. “Yup. Vanilla, chocolate, or butter pecan?”

“Pecan!” he says, pushing his menu away.

Act businesslike. You can do it. “Got it. And you, hon?”

River spreads out, taking up all the space in the booth and not looking exactly bothered by it. Of course he wouldn’t be bothered. He’s a big guy. He’s wearing a long-sleeved Atlanta Kings T-shirt, an Atlanta Kings championship hat, a sexy black motorcycle jacket, and black jeans that are snug in the butt and thighs. Every piece of clothing fits like a glove.

That’s something I really admire about River.

He looks at me dead in the eye, smirking a little. “I have a question.”

“What?” Tossing my hair, I hold my notepad up.

He looks me up and down and asks, “Can I order one of you? You’re the most appetizing thing in this whole place.”

I feel my cheeks flush. “Exactly how much beer did y’all have when you were watching the game?”

Brooks snorts and tries to cover his reaction by chugging ice water. River seems completely unbothered.

“No beer. Only whiskey.” He wiggles his eyebrows. “But my question stands. Are you on the menu?”

Rolling my eyes, I dodge his question. “You’re making your whole family wait, River.”

“Dude, just order already. I’m starving!” Brooks moans.

“Fine.” River slides his menu to me. “I want the all-star special with my eggs over easy.

“Bacon or sausage?” I ask.

“I already have all the sausage a girl could want.” He gives me a mischievous grin. “But I’ll always take a side of bacon.”

“You’re ridiculous.” My tone is flirty as I stuff their menus under my arm. “I’ll get your order in. Try to behave yourself while I’m gone.”

“Not a chance,” he shoots back.

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