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River throws up his hands. “Okay, you got me. The real story is that I saw it in a shop’s window and I thought you would love it.”

I chuckle.

"I do love it," I turn, wrapping my arms around him. "For this. For everything."

"Always, Pearl." His arms encircle me, strong and sure. "You're my world."

My lips find his with an urgency that speaks of raw, unbridled emotion. Our kiss is a dance. A push and pull of need and affection that leaves us both breathless. His hands roam over my back. He pulls me closer until there's no space left between us, only the heat we generate together.

"Can you believe we're going to be parents?" My voice is thready. The enormity of it is all making my heart race with anticipation.

River's hand finds mine. Our fingers intertwine with a comforting squeeze.

"Every time I think about it, it feels more surreal," he admits. Then he chuckles lightly. "But then I feel a kick, and it's like, 'Yeah, this is happening.'"

“You should switch places with me. One day, she was still. The next day, she’s like… ready for me to know she’s a whole ass living human being.”

River smiles. “God, I hope that our baby doesn’t get your mouth. It’ll only cause us trouble.”

I stick my tongue out at him. "We’re ready for her, though. We’ll handle whatever chaos she throws our way."

"More than ready." His thumb strokes the back of my hand.

"What about midnight diaper changes and lullabies off-key?" I tease, remembering how he'd once confessed his fear of not getting the hang of those dad duties.

"Especially those," he grins, leaning in to press a kiss to my forehead. "I'm imagining teaching her to negotiate her bedtime. Or to close her first real estate deal before the age of ten."

"Let's aim for potty training first, Mr. CEO." I can't help but laugh, picturing our daughter as a mini mogul in diapers. "But honestly, I just want her to know she’s loved. No matter what."

"Hey," River's voice turns serious. He props himself on one elbow, looking down at me with an intensity that heats my cheeks. "You didn’t have the best examples of men in your life. But that’s in the past. We're going to shower this kid with so much love that she won't know what to do with it all."

"Promise?" My question is half-playful, half-plea.

"Cross my heart." He draws an invisible X over his chest.

We fall into silence again and let the stillness of the room envelop us. The quilt Sarah made whispers tales of heritage and warmth from the rocking chair. The alien-themed mobile above us whispers of adventure.

"Think she’ll dream of space travel?" I muse out loud. My gaze fixes on the tiny UFOs dangling from the mobile over the crib.

"Definitely. With a mom who has her head among the stars, how could they not?" River jokes, nuzzling into my neck, sending a cascade of goosebumps down my arms.

Thank you so much for being a part of this romance! I’m so grateful to have a romance reader like you! As a special token of my gratitude, I’ve written a bonus epilogue with your favorite characters – River and Pearl. Read it here.

I must admit, I have really enjoyed writing this series. Billionaire romance is my number one love, but forbidden is a close second. I’m over the moon to write some tropes and stories that I’ve been longing to write for years. Get ready for me to weave a web about baby bargains, fake fiancés, best friend’s little sisters, and more!

The Bennett-Taylor siblings each deserve a happily ever after… and Rex and Birdie are next! Keep your eyes peeled for their spicy romance! Turn the page for a taste.



After the baby is born

“Where are we?” I ask.

River gives me a grin that would stop traffic. It almost knocks the breath out of my chest.

I glance at River out of the corner of my eye. He’s full of surprises. His hand is warm in mine, his grip reassuring, as if he can sense the swarm of butterflies doing somersaults in my stomach.

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