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"Never," I promise. I spin her out, then back into my arms.

"Ready to show everyone just what we’re made of?" I ask. “I mean, dancing-wise.”

"Always," she replies.




The first sliver of morning light creeps through the curtains of the house we finally settled on and bought together. Stretching like a contented cat, I can barely keep a grin from my lips. I'm already basking in warmth that has nothing to do with the sun. River’s arm drapes over my waist like a living band of heat securing me to him.

River Taylor is mine. My heart flutters in my chest. It’s not from the lingering traces of last night's passion. No, it’s but the simple, overwhelming joy of his presence.

If it’s possible, I think I might be drunk on love.

"Good morning, darlin’," River murmurs without opening his eyes. His voice, hoarse with sleep, sends shivers down my spine. It’s crazy how even half-awake he can make me feel like I’m the only woman in the world.

"Morning," I whisper back. I wiggle in his embrace so we are face to face. The stubble on his jaw is just heavy enough to be enticing, not scratchy. It matches the tousled look of his hair. He’s as perfect as a picture.

Also, to go back to what I was thinking only a moment ago, River Taylor is my husband. Mine.

"Did you sleep well?" His eyes flutter open now. His open eyes revealing pools of such intense blue they rival the most beautiful gemstone.

"Like a dead thing," I admit. "And you?"

"Never better," he says. He pulls me closer until our bodies touch. "I dreamt about you, actually."

"You lie like a dog." I playfully tap his chest, but my heart swells with affection. “I look like I’ve swallowed a volleyball.”

He laughs and his touch wanders down to my belly. He rubs gentle circles into it.

"I promised you that I would never lie to you again. And I’ve held to that promise." His thumb traces the line of my jaw. "I love waking up beside you. That’s another true thing.”

His fingers dance along my spine, drawing lazy circles that send sparks across my skin. In these quiet moments, before the world demands our attention, we exist in a bubble of contented bliss.

"Let's stay like this a little longer," he whispers against my lips before claiming them with his own. And really, who am I to argue with such a persuasive argument?

The gentle nudge against my palm pulls me from the cocoon of River's embrace. I ease out of bed. Stretching my arms with a peculiar feeling of laziness that comes from a night wrapped up River’s arms. The slight kick from within my growing belly elicits a gasp from my lips.

“Whoa!” I press my hand over the top of my swollen stomach. “Easy there, karate kid.”

In response, our daughter kicks me two more times in the left kidney. My face contorts and I stifle a curse.

"Well, good morning to you too," I whisper to the baby. I shuffle to the full-length mirror. The woman staring back at me is transformed so much that I don’t fully recognize her. Every curve is more pronounced. Her belly seems to shift although she stands still.

The swell of my belly is mesmerizing to me.

"Have you been busy while we were sleeping?" I ask the baby. “Or dozing, I guess. You don’t really let me sleep anymore.”

I direct my words to the gymnast performing flips inside my body. My hand smooths over the fabric of my nightgown

The creak of the door heralds River's arrival. I turn around and give a start of surprise. I hadn’t even heard him get up. His silhouette framed by the strong shafts of morning light that shoot across the bedroom floor. He carries a tray laden with breakfast. The scent of fresh jasmine tea rises to greet me. Setting it down on the bed, River sidles up behind me, wrapping his arms high up on my expanded waist.

"Hope you're hungry," he murmurs. His lips tracing the shell of my ear, sending shivers down my spine despite the warm air.

"Starving," I admit. Whether my craving is for the food or his touch, I'm not entirely sure.

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