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The attention of the crowd has been pinned squarely on us this whole time, but now they fall silent. I give them a sarcastic little bow. "If you'll all follow us, we have a little surprise in store."

There's a communal shuffling of feet. A symphony of murmurs and rustling fabric sounds as they exchange looks. Aunt Glory's eyebrows hitch up like she's just been offered a front-row seat to the greatest show on earth.

Rex tilts his head, the smirk still playing on his lips. "Surprise, huh?" he says, rubbing his hands together. "Lead the way, River."

With Pearl by my side, I guide our procession across the sand. A trail of Bennett-Taylors and Jacksons are in tow. Each step feels deliberate, significant.

"Ready to shock them?" I lean in. My lips brush the shell of Pearl's ear.

The grains of sand shift beneath our feet as Pearl and I weave a path down the beach to the waiting reverend. The rhythmic crash and hiss of waves is loud in my ears. I sneak glances at Pearl, noting how the sunlight plays off her dress. She’s an ethereal figure, a goddess held down to the ground only by the touch of my hand.

"Look at you," I murmur. "You're so damn gorgeous."

Pearl's laughter is light, like the sea breeze that toys with strands of her hair. "Speak for yourself, River."

The reverend stands waiting against the backdrop of the restless ocean. A prettier picture could not be bought.

"Here goes nothing," I whisper. I say it more to myself than to Pearl, though she hears me. Her lips turn up and she gives my hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Welcome, everyone." I turn to face our families, my voice carrying over the shore. "Thanks for coming this far. I plan to make it worth your while.”

Aunt Glory's eyes dance with curiosity. Rex's smirk has bloomed into a full-fledged grin. Sam's gaze is heavy with something like pride. My mom is fully weeping already.

"River, what's all this?" Aunt Delta's voice is tinged with trepidation.

"Trust me. You're going to love it."

I turn and take Pearl's hands. They are cool and steady in mine, a stark contrast to the warm rush of blood pulsing through my veins. I glance down at our interlocked fingers briefly before I lift my gaze. When I meet her eyes, I feel like I’m freefalling into a warm pool of hazelnut chocolate.

Diving, willingly. I just have to say the words. I open my mouth and somehow, the vow begins to pour out of me.

"From the day you walked into my life, you challenged every idea I had about what it meant to be happy. I had never really thought of what it meant to be truly… fulfilled."

Her smile is subtle, but it shines brighter than the sun overhead. The guests lean in, listening closely to catch my voice over the waves.

"The first time we met, I didn’t even know that I was looking for you.” My voice cracks a little. It sounds raw and real. "I am so glad that you gave me a chance. I know… I know that we had a rough start. That’s my fault. But from here on out, I’m going to be everything you need."

A murmur ripples through the crowd. But I’m looking at those mesmerizing pools of mahogany. It's the squeeze of Pearl's hands that lets me know that I've hit the right chord.

She takes a deep breath and gives me a smile.

"Today, I’m vowing to be your partner. Through thick and thin. For better or for worse. Together, we'll stand the test of time."

She says through a sheen of tears, “Today, I take you as my husband. My one and only dance partner for the rest of our lives. Together, we’ll be the happiest couple on earth.”

The reverend steps forward, his presence gentle but firm. "Now, by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Time stutters to a stop as I lower my lips to hers. The taste of her is electric and it surges through the both of us. Someone whistles enthusiastically. When we break apart, our families on the beach burst to life with cheers and applause. I see my mom out of the corner of my eye, her face the very picture of elation. Tears stream down her cheeks unchecked as she holds onto Sam for dear life.

Yeah, she didn’t get to plan the wedding. But the look of radiant happiness on her face right now means a lot to me. When mom finally leaves Sam’s side, it’s to come straight to me, cupping my face tenderly.

"River!" She sniffles. "You really did it. You got married."

I wrap an arm around Pearl, pulling her close. "Yeah, Mom, I really did."

My mother offers Pearl a hug and Pearl takes it with a pleased grin.

This is perfect. Better than I could’ve dreamed.

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