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Is it a match made in heaven? For most people, it would not work. But I love Pearl so much that if I think about her for too long, I get short of breath. So in our case? Yes.

A car door slams and my head whips around. The first of the guests appears. She’s a lone figure shuffling across the sand, eyebrows knitted together in confusion. It's Aunt Glory, her usually tense expression giving way to bewilderment. She spots me and waves a hand.

"River! Where is Pearl? And what's all this?" Her voice carries over the sound of the waves with a touch of irritation lacing her words.

I stride over to her, clasping her hand with both of mine. Pleading with my eyes for her to approve. "Trust me, Aunt Glory. You're going to want to be here for this." Pasting on a nervous smile, I try to appease her. She is Pearl’s family, after all, and she affects how Pearl will feel about today.

“Aunt Glory?” She narrows her eyes at me. “Today’s the wedding, then?”

She looks at me, searching my face for a hint of today’s events. But she finds only earnest excitement. With a resigned huff, she claps me on the shoulder and heads toward the makeshift gathering area.

One by one, our families arrive. They trickle onto the beach, each face a reel of the same emotions. Confusion softening into surprise, speculation turning into curiosity. Lucy and Savannah arrive, their eyes as wide as can be. Cole follows them and stops briefly to shake my hand. He moves on quickly because more of my family begins to turn up.

"River, you sly dog," my brother Rex says. He gives me a quick one-armed hug. As he pulls away, a smirk appears on his face. "What's the big secret?"

"All will be revealed." I tap the side of my nose. The conspiratorial gesture has him chuckling and shaking his head. Then I move on.

"I never thought I'd see the day when River Taylor got us all riled up for anything other than a wild party," Eden teases, her laughter ringing clear and bright.

Her dickwad boyfriend is nowhere to be seen. Hallelujah.

"Today we redefine 'wild', Eden," I reply. My palms are sweaty.

I hug my mom and clap Sam on the back, ushering them into the party. Rhett jogs in right after them. Brooks shows up a little late and goes to hang near Eden, whispering something in her ear that makes her snort. Malik and Crisanto show up next holding hands.

But before I can focus on that, Pearl’s mom arrives. I make sure to greet her, and walk her over to the small confluence of people that mill around, chatting. Pearl’s mom is the final guest that must be here for a surprise wedding.

As I watch both of our families assemble here on this stretch of sand, something settles within me. The playboy, the pragmatist, the boy with a faraway dream of what someday could be like. They're all me, different chapters of my own book. Today, I will write a new chapter.

One that's been waiting to be written since the day Pearl walked into my life. God, I can’t wait until she arrives.

"Welcome everyone," I finally call. My gaze sweeps over the gathered crowd. "Thanks for coming. Especially under such mysterious circumstances. I think you’ll be glad you came."

The sun dips lower, casting a golden sheen over the beach. My mom seems to spot Pearl first, because she turns with a gasp.

Every muscle in me tightens. I turn my head.

That's when I catch sight of her. Pearl glides across the sand like she's walking on clouds. Her blush rose, off-the-shoulder lace dress makes my jaw drop. It has a loosely fitted top and midsection that stops just below her bellybutton and flows outward in layers of sheer pink and lace. It emphasizes her curves and trails behind her, lifted by a gentle breeze.

I have an odd moment where time seems to slow down. She’s drifting toward me, her black hair pinned up quite elegantly. Then she lifts her eyes, looking at me with a knowing smile.

My hand goes to my heart. It seems to have exploded in my chest. I’m fairly certain that I’m now dead and somehow being rewarded in the afterlife.

"Wow," is all I can muster as she reaches me. Her smile is brighter than the glints of diamond light shimmering off the ocean behind us.

"Hey," she whispers, coming to a stop before me. Her eyes skate over my suit jacket and up to my face. Her smile widens.

God damn, it feels good that she approves of me. All ego aside, it’s nice to be looked at as an object of desire by the one woman that makes my world keep spinning.

I catch her hand, my fingers rough against her soft touch. Her fingers are so delicate and they slip neatly between mine. "Are you ready for this?"

Pearl's eyes meet mine, her gaze steady, brimming with certainty.

"With you by my side, I feel ready," she responds. Her words wrap around me like a promise.

It's my turn to smile now. I let it spread across my face, unguarded and full of the love. I clear my throat. My heart pounds like a drum against my ribs. When I speak, my voice is strong and clear.

"All right, everyone!" I call out. I clap my hands.

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