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"River, before I say yes, there’s something you need to know," I whisper. My pulse thrums in my ears. Every beat of my heart reminds me that I could be throwing away everything by springing this on River right now.

But he needs to know.

"Anything," he says. His thumb rubs small, comforting circles into the soft flesh on the back of my hand.

I take a shaky breath. "I'm pregnant."

His hand tightens around mine. But he doesn't stand. He's steady as he promised he'd be.

There, in that quiet space behind the diner where life seems to stand still, I see something in River that I recognize from the stories my mom told me about my dad. That charm, that intensity. But I see something else looking in River’s eyes.

Commitment. The promise of steadfastness that I've never known, but I’ve always needed.

"Really?" His voice is a mix of wonder and awe, like I've handed him the most precious gift imaginable. “You’re pregnant?”

I nod my head.


River's eyes widen and he takes a deep breath. Is he trying to steady himself? Or is he already backing out of his promise?

He cups my face and gives me the biggest, most unexpected grin.

“I really hope you’re telling me so that I can get excited. Because I am so fucking excited, darlin’. Just think about it. A little kid with your eyes and my cheekbones running around here.”

He says it with such awe. I swallow, unbidden. “You mean it, River?”

"I can't wait," he stammers out, his voice thick with emotion. “I can't wait to be a real dad to our baby.”

Tears well up, unbidden, and spill down my cheeks. This is everything I never knew I needed. My heart swells so much it hurts, the ache of years without this kind of pure affection bursting at the seams. The love I missed as a kid seems to flood into this single moment and it fills every hollow space left by my departed father.

"River," I choke out. My voice cracks. "You don't know how much that means to me."

He reaches up and brushes away my tears with the pad of his thumb. His touch is gentle, almost worshipful. "I mean it, Pearl. I swear. I mean every word."

I sniffle. I had my life planned out. But I have to laugh at myself for thinking I could've ever parented this kid alone. It was a crazy idea, wanting to skip the partner part of having a baby. A piece of the puzzle I thought I could just leave out.

I never let my missing father matter. So why should a father be needed in my own baby’s life? It makes sense after a fashion. But looking at River now, I see how selfish that decision would have been. It would have affected me, him, and most importantly, our child.

"God, I was being foolish," I admit, the realization washing over me like a cold shower. “It’s a day of admitting we were wrong, I guess.”

"We’re doing this together now.” River squeezes my hand. "You're not alone anymore. That is, if you’ll say yes to my marriage proposal."

I take a deep, stuttering breath. The weight of his gaze anchors me to the spot. The intensity in those sparkling blue eyes screams something that words can't capture. It's raw and it's real. And it’s so much more I ever thought that handsome River Taylor would bring to my doorstep.

"River," I start. My voice is gritty with emotions. "I've tried to picture my life without you. Believe me, I’ve tried.” I pause, my heart hammering against my ribcage as if trying to meet his halfway. "I don't just want you in my life, babe. I need you. And not just because of the baby but..."

I falter, searching for the right words.

"Because you love me?" he finishes for me.

"Because I love you," I confirm. “Because you’re my soulmate. And I can’t bear the thought of facing the rest of my life without you."

River does not disappoint me.

His smile widens like he's just won the biggest gamble of his life. But despite his work, this isn't about contracts or properties. It's about us, messy and imperfect and fucking beautiful. He takes my hands in his as if he's holding something precious.

"Then marry me, Pearl. For real this time. No pretenses. No conditions. Just us. Together, building a life, and having a family. What do you say?"

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