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I hold up both my hands to stop him." I think we're way beyond that. I'll cover it and if Pearl takes me back, that'll be money well spent."

Sam scratches his chin. "Are you planning on using the money in your trust fund to cover that?"

I shrug my shoulders. "Yeah. It's the only money I can get my hands on right now. Unless you say otherwise, I guess..."

"No, no. The money is yours. I just wondered if that wasn't going to put a dent in the money you were going to personally invest in this project."

I make a face. "There will always be more projects. But I only have one shot to get Pearl back."

"Atta boy." Sam nods. "I'll fill in any gaps in funding. You just have to sweet talk Ray."

My stomach fills with lead. "Right."

"It'll be fine. Just use an upbeat tone and keep emphasizing that he'll save a piece of historic property from falling into the hands of outside developers. That’s Ray’s soft spot.” He pauses, then zeroes in his gaze on my face. “I wouldn't encourage you to talk to him if I didn't believe in you."

I push out a breath and nod. I believe him, but the prospect of talking to Ray Kendrick and asking him for a favor has me rattled. I pull myself together. "Okay."

"Okay." Sam stands up, a tight-lipped smile on his face. "Just remember. You're my son. Bennetts can do anything they put their minds to."

I nod. "Uh... yeah. Thanks."

Sam eyes me for a long minute. "You've got this, son."

And with that, he lumbers out of my office. I sag into my chair, rocked by all the things that have just been revealed.



The bell above the diner door jangles, slicing through the sizzle of the grill and the soft burble of conversations. I glance up, my hand halfway to pouring coffee into a chipped mug.

When I spot him, I freeze. River stands there, six feet three inches of pure trouble, wrapped in an expensive blue button down and dark slacks that probably cost more than most peoples’ weddings.

"Hey," he says. His voice sounds as smooth as the top-shelf whiskey he prefers.

It's been days since we last spoke. Yet his presence still sends a shockwave through me and rattles my composure.

"River, what are you doing here?" The words tumble out, sounding more bitter than I intend. This man knows how to unravel me, but I can't afford to let him see that.

Not now. Not after everything that’s happened.

He steps forward, his gaze locked with mine, a strange vulnerability flickering in those ocean-blue eyes. “I need to talk to you.”

I look to my left, where there are restaurant patrons occupying the booths and the countertop. The restaurant isn’t slammed right now, but neither is it dead in here. River probably didn’t even think about that before he strode in here. “I’m working,” I say. “I still have bills to pay.”

I expect River to give me a petulant look. But instead, he glances around me. His gaze lands on Gem, who is just coming out of the kitchen. “Gem, do you mind if I borrow Pearl for a few minutes? It’s important.”

Gem looks between us and nods. “Of course you can.”

Putting my hand on my hip, I toss River a mulish expression. “River, I swear. You have no concern for anyone who isn’t you.”

He swallows hard, ducking his head. "Please, Pearl. Come with me. If you don’t like what I have to say, it’ll be the last time I bother you." His plea is almost a whisper, rough and gravelly. It makes me shiver.

I set the coffee pot down with a clatter, my heart pounding against my ribs. Every instinct screams at me to say no. I should tell him to leave me alone. But there's this aching curiosity in my heart. This hope that maybe, just maybe, he's got something worth hearing.

Even saying yes to this tiny demand of his prickles across my skin. It feels like I’m already giving in to him. But I can’t say no. "Fine," I murmur. I slip my order pad into my apron pocket. "But this better be good."

We weave through the tables and I catch the curious glances from regulars. They know River; everyone in town does. The wealthy bad boy who swept me off my feet only to drop me into a mess of heartache and secrets. He leaves lively gossip in his wake wherever he goes.

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