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I try not to let my annoyance with my stepdad’s words show on my face.

“Delta’s niece, Pearl, already told me that her great aunt had a big property tax bill that she didn’t know how to pay.” I set my fork down and eye Sam, vindication rising inside my chest. “One way or another, that land is going to be distressed. The only question is whether it’s our real estate firm that gets it, or whether some huge, out of town conglomerate scoops it up and starts building god knows what on the land. At least with my plan, the family will get enough money to start over somewhere else.”

I cross my arms and give him a defiant stare.

Sam pushes his plate away from himself, plants his elbows on the table, and leans forward. He points a meaty finger at me. “You don’t go celebrating someone else’s downfall. There aren’t a lot of Black landowners, period. Much less ones who own such a large swathe of land, or ones who’ve owned the land for a century.”

His voice booms out, drawing the attention of my siblings. Everyone falls quiet and turns toward him.

I clench a fist but otherwise try to keep my true feelings out of my voice. I can’t have it seem like I’m an unhinged madman screaming at an old man. “And I respect that. But if the property taxes on Ms. Jackson’s land go unpaid for long enough, it will be auctioned off by the government for pennies on the dollar. I’m talking about helping her out, and keeping control of the land in the community. Otherwise, some corporate landlord will just gobble it up.”

A vein stands out in Sam’s forehead. “If Ms. Jackson needs money to keep her land, I’d rather pay her taxes out of my own pocket than see anyone take advantage of her plight.”

I feel my neck heat. “Nobody said anything about taking advantage of her. I plan to write her a huge check.”

Fuck. There goes that dream. Now if I don’t get my trust fund, I’m going to be without capital for this project. And I can’t have that…

“My point still stands.” He glares at me as though spoiling for a fight. “Let the members of the Jackson family decide what should be done with their own land. Keep out of it.”

“Daddy.” Lucy puts her hand on Sam’s shoulder, her tone cajoling. “Please, don’t let your blood pressure spike. I’m sure that River didn’t mean to upset you.” She gives me a pointed stare. “Right, River?”

The only thing I hate about Lucy is her steadfast obsession with Sam. I’ve never understood it, but Lucy has always been Daddy’s little girl. This is, unfortunately, pretty typical behavior for her.

When Lucy calls me out like this, I feel like I really have no other option but to back down. No matter how I may silently seethe in rage.

I shake my head. “I didn’t mean to raise your ire, Sam. I’m just–”

“River!” Lucy pleads, cutting me off. “Read the room.”

I look around at my siblings. Cole coughs to cover a chuckle. Brooks has a smirk that he’s trying rather unsuccessfully to cover with his hand. Eden is glaring at me.

Oh, that’s right. I forgot for one goddamned minute that I am the black sheep of this otherwise happy little family. My lips twist in a sneer. I toss my napkin down as a precursor to standing up and getting the fuck out of here.

When my mom cuts in, her voice is no-nonsense. “Everybody just needs to cool off. No more business talk at my table. It gets you all so heated!”

"But—” Lucy starts.

My mom gives her a quelling look. “Please, everyone. Can’t we all be civil? Just one more hour and then I promise to release you out back like a pack of wild wolves.”

I drum my fingertips. Lucy glares at Mom. Brooks manages to look stoic. Eden is whispering something in Mark’s ear.

My mom gives us all a strained smile and pats Sam’s arm. She turns to look at one of the servers stationed by the doorway. “Miss Delphine, would you please clear our plates? We’re ready for y’all to bring in the main course.”

The rest of the meal is filled with my mom asking all of us questions about things that are coming up in the future. I tune out for most of it. All I can think of is my half-cocked plan to secure the rights to build on Delta Jackson’s land, and the linchpin of my plot.

Pretty Pearl Brown. She of the sharp dark eyes and megawatt smile. Lover of cinnamon whiskey and blush pink skirts. Waitress and the only relative that Ms. Jackson seems to listen to. When Pearl told me about her quandary, I didn’t have an answer. But now, I do.

Clearly the solution is to talk to Pearl… and probably kiss her too. Then if I can get Pearl to agree to talk to her great aunt on my behalf, I feel like my resort project will have a real chance at success.

Once we finish eating, the family begins to drift outdoors toward the beach. Before Lucy can follow, I pull her into the living room. “You know Pearl pretty well, right?” I ask her.

Yes, I know that Lucy was my enemy only moments ago. But she’s the most solid of my sibling relationships.

And there’s the fact that she happens to be good friends with Pearl too.

She narrows her eyes at me. “Yes. She was a senior at Agnes Glen when I was an incoming freshman. Why are you asking?”

“Don’t you worry about that.” I cross my arms and offer her a mischievous smile. “Do you happen to know where she’ll be in the next few days? I might like to stage a run-in. But I don’t want it to seem creepy.”

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