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"Your dad."

I grimace. "He's my step-dad. And you should've led with that information."

He nods, his eyes drifting back to the chaos on the floor in front of him. "I'll keep that in mind, boss."

Shaking my head, I open the door to my office. Sam stands by the front window, peering down the street toward the lighthouse. He turns and frowns at me as I close the door to my office behind me. "You're starting the work day pretty late, wouldn't you say?"

I feel my neck heat. I just go with, "Pearl needed a ride to work, so I took a few hours off. Is that okay with you?"

He spreads his hands. "I didn't mean anything by it."

I give him a sharp glance and stride over to my desk. "Do you want to sit down?" I motion to the chair across from me and Sam sidles over to it, giving it an imperious look before sitting down heavily. "What's on your mind, Sam?"

He sighs and studies me for a moment before replying. "I came by to tell you that I was wrong."

Among the hundreds of things I thought I'd hear Sam say, that wasn't one of them. It's not often that he admits something like that. I raise an eyebrow and fold my hands in my lap. "What were you wrong about?"

He picks an invisible piece of lint from his dark slacks. "About you and Pearl. I thought you were full of shit when you told me that you two had dated for long enough to want to get married." He hesitates. "Actually, I thought you were trying to game the system and get your inheritance early. But I saw the way you act around Pearl up close when we were at the Castle Vineyard. She was upset. You left the table to make sure she was okay. That's when I knew that your relationship was real."

I'm too stunned to say more than, "Uh... yeah. Okay..."

Sam leans forward, narrowing his eyes on my face. "I just wanted to make sure I came and apologized in person. I'm sorry that I had doubts about your intentions. I know that we haven't exactly had the easiest relationship, River, But I do love you. I only want what is best for you, son."

I duck my head. "Thanks, Sam. I... uh... I love you, too."

Now I feel like a complete fraud. Sam eyes me, nods once, and stands up.

"Okay, then. You should let us know if you want to rent the vineyard out. I'm not your mom, so I don't need your marriage to be right this damn second. If you want to set your wedding a year or two in the future and make it a long engagement, be my guest. Whatever makes you happy."

I stand up, feeling the beads of sweat break out across my brow. "Uh, thanks."

Sam stands there, waiting. I realize that he probably wants some sign of affection. I walk over and give his arm a squeeze. He seems okay with that and smiles at me. "I'm going to get out of your hair now. Have a good rest of your day."

He ambles out of my office and I'm left drawing in deep breaths. Jesus Christ.

I was not expecting Sam to get emotional like that. Sam is pretty amiable, but he's always been sort of standoffish with me. This change in his demeanor makes me feel really guilty all the sudden,

Have I been wrong in misleading my family about my engagement?

My hand trembles as I reach out for the cup of coffee that Wesley left for me. I heave a sigh of resignation the second I touch the paper cup.

I can't see the coffee because it has a lid on it, but I know that it's gone cold.

Swallowing, I stare at my cup for a full ten seconds before making up my mind to just walk the block down to the market and replace it. Maybe when I get back, I'll have my shit together.

Walking in the shadow of the building awnings, I head down the pier toward the market. The lighthouse rises up and blocks the midday sun. I keep my head down, half-lost in thought.

Have I really fucked up? My parents are going to be crushed when I tell them the engagement's off. And it will be off, because Pearl is eventually going to find out about me selling her property.

Part of me is willing to admit that by trying to talk Pearl into marrying me, I am attempting to bind her to me forever.


I glance across the street to where the voice came from. There is Bishop, sidling up to me like the cat that ate the fucking canary.

Damn, I hate this guy so much. I am in no kind of mood to want to talk to him today.

I wave him off. "Not now, Bishop."

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