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Birdie smiles at me. "I have really enjoyed talking to y'all. But I should move on and talk to someone else. I'm really trying to get a firsthand account of alien abduction."

"You should try Jim Mathers. He's right over there, in the priest getup." I point him out. "He's eager to tell anybody that will listen about his multiple experiences being abducted."

"That's what mama wants to hear." Birdie gives a little wave. "See y'all later!"

River sits down in a camping chair and pulls the other seat up next to him. He pats the chair. I sit down beside him, full of nervous, jittery energy.

He puts his arm around mine and tugs my shoulders close, kissing the top of my head. He's hitting all the right buttons and I shiver pleasurably.

"It's a nice night out," River says. He sweeps his gaze around the clearing. "A good turnout for the meeting, too."

I look at him, trying like hell not to let my anxiety show. "Yeah."

He arches a brow. "You okay? You seem... weird."

I can't stop myself from blurting it out. "I love you!" I say, my voice a squeak.

His eyes grow dark and wide as takes my hand.

"You love me?" he repeats. "Seriously?"

I nod, feeling my face flame.

He kisses the back of my hand and smiles at me. "I love you too, Pearl. I just wasn't sure if I should say it or not."

My heart seizes. "Really?"

He nods, somber for once.

"Yes, darlin’. I'm not sure where that leaves us. I never planned..." He shakes his head, sucking in a breath. "I don't know."

I screw up my face. "Does this change anything for us? I know you have a future envisioned that takes place in Atlanta... and I still want to have your baby..."

"Slow down. Can we just kind of live in the moment? I know that I love you. That's all I know."

My heart thuds painfully against my ribs. "We can't live in this bubble for very long..."

He leans in and places a searing kiss against my lips. His touch is so knowing, so confident.

I can trust that, I think.



Iwake to the feel of Pearl’s ass pressing against my cock. Turning over, I drift my fingers over her sleeping face. Her eyelids flutter and I kiss her.

She’s sleepy, but her hand slips down my ribs and to the waistband of my boxer briefs. I thrust into her touch and those big brown eyes of her open a scant inch.

I kiss her again, more insistently this time. She’s just wearing a t-shirt and no panties, so I pull the t-shirt up over her head and kick my boxers off. Twilight seeps in through the blinds and plays faintly across the bed as we kiss and grope each other. My lips work against hers. She strokes my cock a few times before she heaves herself up and straddles me.

I fist my cock and stroke the tip up and down her slit, gathering her juicy wetness. It makes me groan as I fit my cock to her.

“God, River,” she whimpers. She soon eases herself down my length, her hot pussy clenching my cock.

This early in the morning, I’m already primed and on the edge.

“Fuck, darlin’, you’d better hurry,” I warn her. “I’m already close.”

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