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“He’s having a sickle cell flare up, so he’s resting today,” Pearl murmurs.

That’s too bad. It would be nice to have another familiar face here

“Y’all come sit with us,” Glory says, waving us over.

"Y'all haven't met Pearl's fiancée yet," Delta says to the women she's sitting with. "This is River. He is a lawyer."

The other women murmur, excited at the announcement that Pearl is getting married. For the next ten minutes, I am paraded around and looked at. Pearl's family are mostly Black, although there are a couple adopted cousins and spouses who don't have the same skin tone. For the most part, everyone is polite, but they are a bit distant.

Pearl's mom puts her arm around me protectively and brings me to sit at her table. "You stick with me," she whispers. "All the interesting people are at this table anyway."

Pearl is pulled away to socialize with her extended family. So I just sit and make small talk with Flo, Delta, and Glory.

"So, River," Glory says, jerking her head at Delta. "My aunt has a little cash flow issue. I figured since you are a real estate attorney, you would be the perfect person to advise us on the matter."

"Glory! That's private family business," Delta growls.

"He's going to be family. He might as well know the state of your property."

I smile placidly, trying not to let my excitement about her words show. "I'm at your disposal, ladies. Any time, not just right now." I take a look around at all the cousins that are within hearing range. "But it might be better to talk about this in a more discreet location."

Flo puts her hand on mine and leans in. "He is trying to tell you not to put your business on blast, ladies."

I duck my head. "Suggesting, nothing more."

Delta's brown eyes probe my face. She seems to be weighing my worth as a source of information, which is fair enough, "We should sit down and talk sometime soon. Not now, though."

I bow my head again. “Of course."

Glory frowns and jerks her chin toward the park entrance. "I was hoping that Bishop and Anitta would sit this one out."

Pearl appears beside me, gripping my hand. Her eyes are glued on Bishop. I pull her down to perch on my lap and slide my arms around her. "I've got you," I murmur.

Pearl gives me a grateful smile and kisses my lips lightly. "Thank you," she whispers.

I hug her close to my body, feeling a weird need to possess her, to tell everyone that she's mine. She's not; I know it better than anybody. But still the feeling remains.

Delta climbs to her feet when Anitta and Bishop sail up to our table. Anitta looks like she just tasted something sour. But Bishop?

His eyes are locked on Pearl. On my girl.

I wish I could put out his eyes so he couldn't even look at her.

The way she shifts on my lap says that she's feeling the same.

"Aunt Delta," Bishop says, his smile smug. "How are we doing today?"

Delta crosses her arms. "I didn't know that Anitta was bringing a guest. I thought we had already talked about the matter and decided that she wasn't bringing anyone."

"This is Pearl's home, after all," Flo pipes up.

Bishop smirks. "Anitta and I are a package deal. Her mom asked her to be here, so I'm here too."

He rubs Anitta's very pregnant stomach. Anitta gives him an irritated glare and flings his hand off of her stomach. Bishop gives her a hard stare.

"You know, Aunt Delta," Bishop says. He never breaks eye contact with Anitta. "We were thinking of naming Baby Jones after you."

Pearl's limbs stiffen. But before she can react, Anitta blurts out with a string of curses.

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