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I press my lips into a thin line. "Do you understand why I reacted the way that I did?"

He scrunches up his face, "After I left, I felt bad for what I said. Maybe you were a little fast to kick me out. But you have every right to your feelings. There's no denying that."

That's what I wanted to hear. But his words don't ease the tension in my chest. Still, I have to suck it up and act like an adult.

My family is having a barbecue about now. Showing up to the party without my supposed fiancé is a no-go. I have to make a decision to forgive River.

"I don't like being mad at you either," I finally say. "In fact, it is really stressful. I would much rather go back to the way things were."

He looks at the box I'm holding and cants his head. "Am I forgiven, then?"

I can't help the small smile that sprouts on my lips. "Yes, River. You're forgiven."

He slides around to take the necklace from the box. Then he moves my hair out of the way and fastens it around my neck. It's heavier than I expected, the diamond pendant sparkling as it finds its home just above my cleavage.

I set the box on the kitchen counter and change my earrings out for the diamond ones. With the necklace and my huge engagement ring, I am certainly dressed like a wealthy fiancée that looks right hanging on River's arm.

He looks at me, his lips twitching with humor. "You're going to be the envy of every woman at the barbecue."

“Like I want that,” I say.

He kisses me lightly on the mouth, a peck. I dig my fingers into his shirt and pull him forward, seeking a more substantial kiss. He responds by pressing my body against the kitchen counter. The breath catches in my throat as he kisses me deeply, passionately.

River and I may not see eye to eye on many things. But sharing passionate kisses and caresses has never been a problem for us.

Eventually, I break the kiss and look up at him. "We should get to the party. Everyone will already be there by the time we walk over."

River sighs. "I know you have seen the cabin. But I’d just like to point out that it has a fantastic bed... which I'm excited to test out. We could decide to be a little late..."

I smooth a hand over his muscular chest. "Yeah, I'm not going to explain to Aunt Delta how we decided that fucking each other's brains out means that we could be late to her event. You don't know Delta that well, but I can't imagine that you want to be in the doghouse with her so soon."

His eyes sparkle. "I would gladly do it for you."

Shaking my head, I glance down at the diamond necklace that I am wearing. "We will have to spend time at the new cabin after this barbecue. I have seen it, but I haven’t explored yet. I’m dying of curiosity. That's a promise."

River steps back with a sigh. "Your wish is my command, darlin’."

"We should probably go to the barbecue now before Anitta and Bishop start a rumor that we broke up."



Whew. That fight seems to have blown over more easily than I thought possible.

“Okay,” I tell Pearl. "As we walk, tell me who I'm about to meet at this barbecue."

She pulls me outside and we begin the walk down to the party. By the time we actually arrive at a part of the resort that I haven't seen before, I have gotten the history of twenty different family units that I don't know.

There is a covered area of tables on one side of the park. Amazing smoky, umami odors waft over from the six full-sized barbecues and smokers sitting just beside that. A cluster of older relatives sit in chairs on the far side, clutching cold drinks and umbrellas. The grassy space between is set up with two distinct areas, one for kids to play tag, one for adults to play cornhole. As we pass by the cornhole area, a stray bean bag misses the board and comes tumbling end over end toward my feet.

I grab it and chuck it back to a man who waves his hands and calls for its return.

"That's my Uncle Buck," Pearl says. "And the guys he's playing with are my nephews from across the Alabama border."

I nod. Flo waves from the covered patio and I point her out. Pearl takes my hand and makes her way over to her immediate family. Her Aunt Delta and Aunt Glory are sitting at a table with other various aunts and cousins.

“Where’s Malik?” I whisper to Pearl.

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