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This moment is perfect. The fact that I could even now be getting pregnant just adds to my glowing, happy feelings of satisfaction. This feeling is intoxicating and the need to say my feelings aloud balloons in my chest.

River kisses me, then rolls to the side, carrying me with him. Grimacing a second, he pulls his cock from my body. Then he kisses my shoulder languidly.

"Can we start every morning like that?"

I chuckle. "Maybe. We'll have to see. I think some more practice is called for."

"Mmm, I like the sound of that." He props up his head with his hand. "I assume that we have more to do today than just lie around and fuck each other silly, though."

Wincing, I nod. "Yeah. I need to check my phone to find out how many guests checked out and which rooms I need to clean."

He grabs my hand and kisses my palm. "Whatever you want, darlin’."

Scrunching up my nose, I sigh. "It's not really something I want to do. It's something that I have to do."

He narrows his gaze on my face. I expect his next words to be either a crude suggestion about what else I should ‘do’, or another question about how I can hope to keep up with my workload while I'm pregnant. I tense, waiting.

But he surprises me. "I poked around on the real estate market on your behalf. Quietly, of course. There are a ton of options for selling this place if you ever feel like it's too much work. You could make a lot of money and take care of your family." He holds up a hand. "I'm just letting you know. I am not looking for a response."

Some snarled knot of emotions surrounding my heart hiss and moan. I jerk my hand away from his grip. "River, I told you."

"You did." He looks guilty. "I'm sorry I even brought it up."

I consider him for a long moment. One loud voice inside my head tells me not to trust him. But another says that if I trust him with my body, I might as well just give him my heart, too.

He smooths back a strand of my hair and cups my jaw, pinning me with that million-dollar gaze that makes me melt.

I lift a shoulder and give him a tight-lipped smile. "I'll forget it if you make me a promise to forget about the land. Just pretend that it doesn't exist. Deal?"

River looks nervous for a second before he answers with a smile. "Your wish is my command, darlin’."

Darlin’. I can't help but shiver and kiss his lips. "You make it hard to be mad at you."

"That's the point," he says, winking.

I push myself upright, then reach over to grab my phone from my bedside table. River fondles my breast as I check my texts for a message from Delta.

No cleaning today, she texts. But I do have a surprise. Come down to the cabin when you're ready. Bring River.

I snort. "Delta says we don't have to clean today. That's almost funny, because I've had to clean every day since I got here, including when I had a severe case of COVID." I squint at my phone. "She also says that she has a surprise for both of us. What can that be?"

He looks mildly surprised. "I have no idea. I didn't think Delta liked me much."

"Well, whether nor not that is the case, we've been summoned." I put my phone down. "She texted me hours ago, so we should probably get going."

I grab the coffees I made. We get up and get dressed in our cleaning garb, because I would guess that Aunt Delta's surprise is something like another leak in a cabin. Or maybe there's an owl infestation. Something of that nature.

But once we make our way to the cabins, there is a lot of commotion around the cabin at the very end, set off a bit from the others. Malik and Crisanto are carrying a squeaky metal bed frame out. I wait for them to pass, waving at them.

"Who is that?" River asks, pointing out my brother's boyfriend.

"Crisanto. He's Malik's very serious boyfriend. They've been together for years."

I hear my mom and Aunt Delta squawking at each other from inside, and I steel myself. I don't know what I'm about to walk into.

River casually grabs my hand and I toss him a grateful look over my shoulder.

When I walk into the cabin, I am nearly whacked in the face with a flying pillow. I neatly dodge it and it hits my chest, falling to the ground.

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