Page 82 of Risky Desires

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A hailstorm of destruction rained around us as I got onto my haunches. Clutching my gun, I peered over the sofa. A bullet skimmed past my ear.


That was too close.

The barrage stopped and I eyeballed Indiana.

“They’re destroying Rhino!” She gripped my wrist.

“I know.” I peered over the sofa, searching the opposite side.

Again, I couldn’t see a boat.

Where the fuck are they?

I strained to hear a chopper beat, but there wasn’t one.

“I have to go to Dad.” She scrambled to her hands and knees.

“Stay down. I don’t know where they are!”

A shriek of pure agony pierced the air.

“Dad!” Indiana cried as she jumped to her feet.

I grabbed her arm.

“Indiana. No!” My heart raced as I yanked her down. “I’ll get him.”

“If anything happens to him—” She yanked free, desperation powering her strength.

“Stop.” I clutched her wrist, but she was like wildfire in my bare hands.

I wouldn’t be able to hold her for long. I had to protect her instead.

Old Smithy cried out again. His agony scraped through my sanity.

“Oh fuck!” Her eyes filled with terror. “He’s been shot.”

I gripped her shoulders. “Follow right behind me and stay down. Got it?”

Using a pause in the attack, I crouched down and ran to the side wall of the hut. I peered around the corner.

A metallic flash raced across the sky.

“What the fuck! It’s a drone!”

Indiana pressed into my back to look over my shoulder.

“Stay down,” I hissed.

The drone dipped and swayed with the precision of a predator, firing a stream of bullets onto the bridge, shattering glass and metal. Each bullet bit into the cabin like a swarm of steel locusts.

“Go!” I grabbed Indy’s arm and yanked her in front of me, shielding her from the drone behind me.

As she sprinted toward the rear, Rhino shuddered as if the bullets hurt the powerful beast.

“Indy, stay down!” I shouted over the cacophony of destruction, but she ran like a demon, fueled by the desperate cries of her father.

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