Page 69 of Risky Desires

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Fighting the urge to giggle, I said, “Don’t make me regret this.”

“Life’s too short for regrets.” He winked at me, turned, and strolled away.

My gaze fell on his sexy ass.

Twenty grand to check that butt out . . . I’ll take that.

Once Rhino was out of Pineapple Reef’s turbulence, I set a course for the mystery dot on Tyler’s map and coaxed the engine to maximum speed. But even with Rhino at full speed, our destination was going to take all day.

I did a double-take when Dad led Tyler past the bridge out to the bow. They both carried coffee mugs.

What the hell is Dad doing?

Through the front windshield, Dad pointed at our backup hydraulic winch that hadn’t worked in years. As the pair of them nodded and sipped their coffees, Tyler seemed to get more of a conversation out of Dad than I did in a whole week.

They put their mugs down, and Tyler pulled off his T-shirt. As he anchored it beneath a toolbox, I was graced with an impressive view of the defined muscles lining his chest.

I nearly swallowed my tongue when the pair of them worked together to pull the front compartment off the engine housing and began taking the machine apart. Tyler must have some kind of magical draw because there was no way Dad would work with a cop.

I bit back a sigh. Or maybe Dad was just enjoying male company for a change. I could relate to that. I would enjoy some male company, especially with a man as freaking sexy as Tyler.

Tyler and Dad laughed at something, and I couldn’t stop staring. I couldn’t remember the last time Dad belly laughed like that. Then again, it was hard to laugh when we worked and lived on the boat that held too many bad memories and too many ghosts of Mom.

A wave of jealousy washed through me. I wanted in on their conversation and laughter.

Tyler turned to me and waved. Then the annoying bastard watched me until I had no choice but to wave back. Fighting the smirk on my face, I finished off my coffee and hated that it tasted too bitter and too sweet.

Damn him for ruining my morning caffeine fix.

As the men seemed to work in total harmony, I settled with my butt against the back counter, watching them. Rather than wrestle with the demons that constantly marched around my mind, I tried to relax and enjoy the show. Dad was so used to working solo that I was surprised that he accepted Tyler’s help, but Tyler wasn’t just helping, he seemed to be taking charge. Maybe he’d downplayed his mechanical skills.

Maybe he could refurb all our aging equipment.

As the sun arced overhead and we headed further and further away from civilization, Dad and Tyler moved from one job to another. I opened my ancient computer, and when it finally found a signal, I checked my bank balance.

Holy shit. It had been way too long since I’d seen five figures in my account. I plucked the overdue notices off the corkboard and shuffled them into order of importance.

“Hey, captain.”

Jerking back, I gave him a foul look. “Goddammit, Kinglsey. You’re going to give me a heart attack.”

“Sorry. Would you like one of my special coffees?” His smile was so damn swoon-worthy my knees just about buckled.

“You’re not going to relent until I do, are you?”

“Nope.” He flared his stunning blues at me.

“All right then, show me what all the hoo haa is about.”

He winked. “Coming right up.”

The hum of Rhino’s engines vibrating beneath my feet was a comforting purr for a change. I pinned the bills back on the corkboard, then I checked our direction and adjusted the steering wheel a fraction.

“Here you go.” Tyler stepped onto the bridge with a steaming mug. “Tyler’s special brew with three sugars.”

“Special brew, huh?” I took the coffee from him and sniffed.

“Smell good?”

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