Page 42 of Risky Desires

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“Stop,” she commanded.

I released the handle and raised my hands so she knew I’d followed her order.

Studying the cable, she turned her handle a half-turn more, then paused before she stepped back. “Good job.”

“Thanks. I had an excellent teacher.”

Her laugh was quick and seemed to surprise her.

I rubbed my aching hands down my thighs. “What’s next?”

“We try to drag that wreck away from this area before a shark takes out another airbag.”

“What can I do?”

“Help Dad bring up the air pipes so they don’t get caught in the propeller.”

I sprinted to the rear dive deck where Old Smithy was still on his back and his heavy breathing confirmed he was fast asleep. It was a bad idea to sleep in that full sun, yet I hated that I had to wake him.

“Hey Smithy, we need to get you out of the sun.”

Scowling, he lowered his arm from his face.

“Come on. I’ll help you up.” I offered my hand and to my surprise, he took it.

He groaned as he dragged his body upright, then yanked his hand free. “I’m okay.”

He flicked his hand at me like he was swatting a fly.

“Head to the hut. I’ll look after this equipment.”

He squinted at me like I’d proposed marriage, then shaking his head, he waddled away.

Using the binoculars, I scanned the ocean beyond Chui’s wreck, searching for incoming boats. After confirming we were still all alone out here, I dragged the air hoses onto the back dive deck, curling them into loops like they were before the dive. After I secured them and all the other equipment, I grabbed the binoculars and went in search of Indiana.

She was in the hut, squatting at her father’s side. She’d placed a cloth over his forehead.

“Is he okay?” I said as I entered the hut.

She jolted back and scowled at me.



“Of course I’m okay,” Old Smithy grumbled. “Stop fussing, woman.”

Indiana stood and placed her hand on her father’s shoulder. “Get some rest. I’m going to need you later.”

I followed her to the other side of Rhino, where a rubber dinghy was secured on the deck.

“What do you need me to do?”

“Unhook that clip.” She pointed to a rope at the back of the dinghy that was attached to a pole.

I released the clip and helped her push the dinghy off Rhino’s side. She climbed in and using one hand to hold the dinghy against Rhino’s side, she pointed to a one-inch cable with a carabiner as large as my hand attached to the end. “Grab that.”

The cable was looped around a giant spool that spun around as I pulled the cable toward her. I handed the carabiner to her and rather than take it, she said, “Get in.”

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