Page 28 of Risky Desires

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I walked to the counter where Tyler had parts of the meal spread out like a smorgasbord. Not that I’d ever eaten at one. He’d even made hot chips for Dad.

“How do we do this?” I reached for a plate.

“I’ll show you.” He placed a wrap on the plate, topped with a mixture that looked to contain fish, onion, capsicum, tomato, and spices. He added grated cheese, then rolled it up, and added a few hot chips on the side. “Here, this one’s for you.”

“Oh, thanks.” I took the plate, feeling awkward yet also weirdly special.

“You want me to do your fish taco?” Tyler asked Dad.

“Yeah, suppose so.”

I sat so I could watch Dad’s expression. His frown was as if Tyler was making him rotten prawn soup. Dad nodded his thanks, and as he shuffled my way, I mouthed to him to be nice.

Scowling, he sat, placed his plate down, and grabbed his whiskey bottle to top up his glass.

Tyler placed the plate with the remaining hot chips on the coffee table for us to share and sat beside me with his meal balancing on his knees. I had the impression he’d never eaten a meal in a setting like this before. He reached for his taco with both hands. “Dig in while it’s hot.”

I took a bite. The flavors exploded in my mouth. It was like a party for my taste buds, and despite myself, I couldn't help but let out a moan of satisfaction.

Tyler grinned at me.

Dad made a show of his reluctance to eat, but after his first mouthful, he grunted his approval between bites of his fish taco and the hot chips. I couldn't remember the last time I saw him enjoying a meal this much, and it was heartwarming to see him actually present in the moment, instead of lost in his thoughts or drowning them in alcohol.

The meal was messy, and although I tried to stop it, the final contents of my taco spilled onto my plate. “Whoops,” I said. Giving up, I put my empty wrap down.

“Dinner and a show.” Tyler grinned. “It’s okay. Mexican food can be like that.”

Somehow, he’d managed to eat his meal without dropping any. Dad and I, however, had bits spilled all over our plates.

Other than our noisy eating, the only other sound was the gentle waves slapping against Rhino’s side. It was a perfect night to be out on the ocean.

Dad burped as he put his plate down and grabbed his whiskey glass. “Damn, boy, I never thought I’d like fish made like that, but you did good.”

Tyler chuckled. “Thanks. I’ve had some practice.”

Dad raised an eyebrow at me. “Don’t go expecting me to make anything fancy like that.”

I chuckled. “I’d never dream of it, Dad.” I did an eye roll at Tyler. “Dad does the cooking on Rhino.”

“Cool.” He nodded. “And what’s your job?”

“Everything else.”

“Bullshit!” Dad made a noise like he choked on his tongue. “I do my share.”

I chuckled. “I know you do, Dad. Just joking with you.”

I stacked the plates and carried them to the sink.

Tyler joined my side, and as we made small talk about Rhino and the weather, he helped me do the dishes. It annoyed the hell out of me. Tyler was so damn nice and easy to talk to. And I had no idea what his cologne was, but it was casting some kind of magical spell that made my randy pussy want to tear off his clothes.

That was messed up. He was a cop. After the relationship mess Kane left me in, I only had sex with men I could walk away from. Tyler was stuck on Rhino with me. Walking away was not an option.

By the time we finished washing up the dishes, Dad had slipped into some kind of food coma and passed out on the lounge.

“So, what do you do for entertainment out here?” Tyler asked.

I cocked an eyebrow at him.

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