Page 160 of Risky Desires

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Tyler waved his hand toward the other boat. “Aria wanted to tell you this herself, but . . . after your little stunt this morning you forced our hand. Because of what you did to help her and her team, and because you lost everything you owned doing it, Aria wanted to give you this boat.”

My jaw dropped. “What?”

“And she would like to offer you a job working for Wolf Security.”

“What?” I couldn’t comprehend what was happening.

“Aria wanted to tell you about all this tomorrow when she had a few members of Wolf Security together.” He shrugged. “Because of this . . . situation, and because we all know that you are going through some . . . stuff . . . Kane has agreed to drop his police report into his boat theft.”

“He has?” I frowned at him. “Why?”

“I want to know what’s down there that’s driving you crazy.”

“Of course you do.” I groaned.

“And like I said before, I’ll even let you keep whatever we find,” Kane said.

“Yeah. Bullshit.”

“Indiana, you and I both know there’s probably nothing left to salvage down there. But whatever we find is yours.”

I turned to Tyler. “He’s lying.”

“I’m your witness. I will make sure he keeps his promise.”

I gazed back at Kane. He was up to something, but I’d run out of options.

“You’re wasting time, Indy,” Kane yelled across the water. “These perfect weather conditions won’t wait for your conspiracy theories to reach a conclusion.”

I let out a heavy sigh, feeling torn between finishing a treasure hunt I’d started with my father,and the complicated dynamics between Kane, Tyler, and myself.

Despite my belief that Kane was full of bullshit, I nodded. “Okay.”

“Okay?” Tyler cocked an eyebrow.

“Yes. Yes. Okay, we’ll dive down there together.”

“Fantastic,” Kane said. “Permission to come on board, captain?”

I rolled my eyes and marched away, trying to comprehend the deal I’d just made with the devil.

The three of us worked together to prepare for a dive on one of the most difficult sites I’d ever explored.

For Tyler’s benefit, I told him about the decorated plate I’d found last time, and I detailed what I knew about the reef and what to expect from the ocean conditions. It pissed me off that Kane seemed to hang off every word.

Kane’s diving and salvage equipment was the best I’d ever seen, and as much as I hated it, my jealousy nearly got the better of me. Dad and I fought hard for every single dollar we earned. I had no idea where Kane got his money from, but the smug bastard sure seemed to have a lot of it.

But Kane only had two kits for compressed air, so we decided the three of us would use scuba tanks instead. Using the tanks reduced our dive time, however, it meant we did this dive together, which was something I had to reluctantly agree on.

With each of us holding an underwater metal detector, the three of us dropped into the crystal-clear water together. Swimming side by side, battling the erratic current, we returned to the giant clam near where I’d found the ancient plate last time.

As I swept Kane’s metal detector side to side, I was forced to share my focus between Kane, Tyler, and my search for the ancient wreck. Kane gestured for us to spread out and search the area. He went one way, and gripping Tyler’s hand, I led him in the opposite direction.

This was the first time Tyler and I had searched for priceless items together, and he had a look in his eyes like I often saw on my father. It was that promise of finding something that had been lost to the ocean for years, and it didn’t matter whether or not the item was precious.

Sunlight filtered down from above, casting an ethereal glow over the coral and marine life that seemed oblivious to the unpredictable currents that pawed at our bodies like invisible fingers.

Minutes ticked on as we combed through the reef, searching for a glint of something manmade and hoping for a blip on our metal detectors.

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