Page 133 of Risky Desires

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“I really don’t know.” I shrugged.

My hair never looked as finessed as Lacey’s short bob. During the boat ride here, Tyler had asked if I wanted to take a shower, but I didn’t want a damn thing off Kane. Seeing how beautiful Lacey looked, I regretted that decision. I felt like crap and probably looked it, too.

Tyler offered me a lopsided smile. “We’ve been through hell.”

His eyes softened on me, and for the first time in my life, I wished I looked better for a man.

“Do you want me to take you to hospital?” Lacey asked, scooping her perfectly styled hair behind her ear to show off a cute golden star in her lobe.

“No.” I met Tyler’s gaze. “I’m sticking with him.”

I wanted to know what was on that drive, too.

The marina was a swarm of activity, but Watts led us away from the chaos to his patrol car, and the four of us climbed in. At the station, all the cops watched us as we walked through the building I had visited way too many times for my liking. This time, their eyes didn’t leer with an accusatory glare; this time, their expressions were weird, like they had a sense of awe over our miraculous survival.

Then again, maybe they were looking at Tyler, one of their own, and not me, a known criminal, though, thankfully, not convicted.

Tyler showed me where the restrooms were, and I attempted to clean myself up with water and paper towels, but it was pointless. I needed a hot shower and about a week’s sleep.

But when I emerged, Tyler had performed some kind of miracle. He’d slicked back his hair, changed his clothes, and put white joggers on his feet. He looked like he was ready for work.

Watts waited for us at the doorway to his office. We followed Watts into his office, and he went around the other side of his desk which was covered in paperwork. “Sit down before you fall down.”

As I sat, Tyler handed the hard drive to Captain Watts like it was some kind of cursed relic.

Lacey stood beside Watts’ desk, and I was curious why she was in here rather than one of the more senior cops who knew me.

Tyler sat beside me. “This is why that drone attacked us. Indiana’s father was killed, and her boat was blown up and sunk. Whatever is on that thing, they think it’s worth killing over.”

“Tell me about the plane.” Watts leaned so far back on his chair I expected him to go ass over.

“Seaplane,” Tyler clarified, then turned his gaze to me. “Indiana found it.”

I shrugged. “You gave the directions.”

I shared the information on the plane’s location and its condition on the ocean floor. Tyler detailed the pilot’s bullet wound, that he didn’t find a gun, and his suspicions over what happened.

Watts eyeballed Lacey. “I want you to find out about that plane. Someone must be looking for it or a missing pilot.”

“Yes, sir.” Lacey’s blue eyes were so pale they were almost gray.

Over the next twenty minutes, Tyler and I relayed the rest of the information about the drone attack and how we made it to dry land.

“As soon as we reached Wombat Island,” Tyler said, “a chopper arrived, and two more assholes attacked us.”

“What the fuck?” Watts drove his hand through his thinning hair.

Tyler explained his fight with Briggs and how he fell off the edge. He explained that he had interrogated Clark, and how Clark had jumped off the cliff without warning.

“Ah, Jesus.” Watts looked like he wanted to vomit. “Why would he do that?”

“He was fucking scared,” Tyler said, nodding at me.

“Tyler gave him plenty of chances, but Clark just . . .” I used my hand to demonstrate jumping off a cliff.

“Scared of who?” Lacey asked.

“Whoever hired him.” Tyler tapped his fingers on the desk’s leather top. “Another thing, Clark said he got the job through Wax.”

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