Page 112 of Risky Desires

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Clark lowered his eyes. “You can’t. He sees everything. That’s why they call him The Eye.”

“The Eye?” Tyler scrunched his nose and turned to me, frowning.

I shrugged. I hadn’t heard of anyone named The Eye.

Blood dribbled down Clark’s temple and spilled onto his cheek.

“How many men work for The Eye?”

Clark shook his head. “I don’t fucking know. I only met Briggs tonight.”

“What about the chopper pilot?”

“Same. I’ve never met him before tonight.”

“What was his name?”

“I don’t fucking know.”

“How did The Eye hire you?”

Clark blinked like he was trying to piece an answer together. “Wax got me the gig.”

Tyler stiffened. “Wax? You mean Thomas Wexler? The young man who died last month.”

“He’s dead?” Clark’s jaw dropped. “See! I told you. They’re going to kill me. I’m a dead man for talking to you.”

Clark used the wall behind him to get to his feet.

Tyler raised his arms. “Calm down. We can protect you.”

Clark’s eyes darted from me to Tyler.

“Calm down.” Tyler clapped his hands. “Clark!”

“You can’t protect me.” Roaring like a demon, Clark charged at Tyler, but at the last second, he darted right and jumped off the cliff.



I jumped to my feet and rushed to Tyler’s side. Clark’s cry faded as he fell, and when it abruptly stopped, I gasped.

“Bloody hell!” I slapped my hand over my mouth.

“Fuck.” Tyler’s eyes were massive as he clutched his head and peered down the cliff. “I can’t believe he did that.”

“Me neither.” My voice broke, faltering under the gravity of what I’d just witnessed.

Tyler draped his arm over my shoulder and tugged me to his side. “He was terrified.”

A shadow of pain flickered over his eyes.

“Not terrified of dying, though.” My chin wobbled.

“Hey.” He tugged me tighter. “I’m sorry you saw that.”

“It’s not your fault. You were trying to give him a lifeline.”

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