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God, she’s perfect.

Tonight, she’s wearing black leggings and a tight white tank top. Her hair is a little wavy from the lack of styling products we have available to us, but it’s setting me off. I want her hair to be a mess of twigs and leaves when I’m done with her. I want that white top so stained nothing will ever remove the memory. I want to yank those leggings down and find her wet cunt quivering, scared, and ready.

Leaving the safety of our campsite, she makes her way through the thick forest, looking around for signs of life. When a squirrel runs down a tree beside her, she nearly jumps out of her skin, and I chuckle to myself.

This is going to be fun.

Angie makes it about fifty yards before I decide to scale down the tree and follow her from a safe distance. There’s enough tree coverage that I can hide easily when necessary. As she moves through the path in the woods, I can see her posture relax a little—like she’s growing used to the environment.

Can’t have that.

Picking up a few large stones at my feet, I find a decent hiding place behind a fallen tree and chuck the rock in her direction. It lands far away enough it won’t hit her, but close enough for her to hear impact. She stops in her tracks and quickly spins around looking for where or what the sound came from. As she continues her walk, I then release a series of crow-like caws, making her head spin again.

Continuing to stalk her, I wait for the sun to finally dip just low enough to create the perfect blanket of fear. Just dark enough to make it hard to see, but light enough that when she finally catches a glimpse of my body—bounding between trees—she panics and starts to run.

I’ll catch you, little creature.

She runs faster than I’ve ever seen her, but with panic surging through her, she falls forward, making my heart lurch, but she extends her hands, catching herself on a tree trunk. She may have saved herself from harm, but with that tiny amount of fear now erupting like a volcano inside me, I’m taking no more chances.

I’m close enough now that when I stop only a few feet away, she’s fully aware of my proximity. But before she can turn around to find me standing there, I let out a howl and duck low to grab her ankles.

She screams at the top of her lungs as she kicks her way out of my grasp. “No! No!” she cries, scrambling to run away. Her fear ripples off in waves and I swear it only fuels me. Consensual nonconsent was something she marked as very interested in, but only in certain situations such as this—and I must hand it to her: this is fucking hot. The longer I stalk her, chase her, the more I become wholly a hunter.

The more I need her.

My dick is rock hard and begging to be buried deep inside her. When she manages to slip away and sprint toward the creek, all I can think is, Catch her.

There’s a decent-sized hill leading down to the creek from where we currently are on the path, but my little creature runs for her life down the hill. I halt myself just before the drop off and watch her look back up at me, eyes wide with fear, as she tries to hastily get to the water. But it’s too steep for her to run down.

“Fuck, why did I think this was a good idea?” she whimpers, trying to use a downed tree as leverage.

With a plan in place, I watch her slowly struggle to get down, slipping every few feet and trying her best to escape. I can tell she’s being as careful as possible, which I appreciate, but I can also see the fear. When she’s almost to the creek though, I jump, landing on my ass and sliding down the slope with my legs extended. Dead leaves cover the forest floor, providing me a fast route as I push away from obstacles. Landing with my feet in the cold creek, I spin around with my hands on the bank in front of me, watching as Angie’s eyes bug out.

“Shit!” she hisses, trying to scramble back up the hill, but she’s too close to me now. I’ve got her right where I want her. I quickly clean off my hands in the creek, then climb up the bank and flip her to her back, making sure to gently lay her down. Her scream punctures through the soft rustling of leaves and I shift myself lower to grab both of her ankles and pull hard. “No! No! No!” she sobs.

“Mine,” I growl as her feet land in the water next to my own. Wasting no time, I pull off her tank top and shove her sports bra up to expose her exquisite chest.

“What are you doing?” she pants, her face painted with fear.

“Taking what’s mine,” I bark before latching my mouth to her nipple and sucking hard. I lower my hips against hers and with one hand, I hitch up her leg around me. She begs and pleads with me to let her go, but her leg is staying wrapped around my back all on its own.

And I don’t hear her safeword.

With my mouth still firmly planted on her chest, she writhes under me, her warm center grinding against my cock. I shift my body just enough to yank the stretchy fabric down from her waist. Releasing her nipple from my mouth, I stand up and quickly unbuckle and unzip my pants. When she tries to make a run for it, I throw my hand against her neck and pin her down. I love a good choke, but she’s pregnant and we agreed not to take any chances. What we’re doing is risky enough. So my grip is light on her throat—just enough that she knows it’s there, but it never constricts her airway.

“I don’t think so, little creature,” I whisper. “I hunted you. I pinned you. I own you.” I take my other hand and slide two fingers across her pussy, feeling the overwhelming evidence of her arousal. “I can do whatever I want with you.”

“No,” she chokes out. “Please let me go. I promise to leave you alone.”

“I don’t want to be left alone,” I sneer, leaning into our scene. “It’s my job to keep you safe, and here you are running away from me?” I shove those two fingers deep inside her warm pussy.

“I’m sorry,” she whimpers as I push my hand against her jaw, still not squeezing, but the threat still lingers.

“You’re not sorry. You want this fucking punishment, don’t you?”

“No,” she cries.

“Then say it. Say the word now and I’ll let you go. But if you don’t, I will take what belongs to me,” I growl. When she says nothing, her throat works beneath my palm. I grab my cock at the base and press the shaft against her slit before saying, “That’s what I thought,” then I thrust inside her pussy—the pussy I earned.

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